January ’16 – Trail Condition: That time they predicted mind-boggling amounts of snow

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions January ’16 – Trail Condition: That time they predicted mind-boggling amounts of snow

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  • #1046738
    Steve O


    Tim Kelley

    @Steve O 133827 wrote:


    People taking our advice! http://www.bikearlington.com/pages/news-events/blog/winter-riding-its-okay-to-skip-the-ice-and-snow/


    Doh. It’s February.


    @dasgeh 133605 wrote:

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymo853 View Post
    I suspect not many of us use the Suitland Parkway Bike Path, but I was floored to see NPS clearing it of snow this morning. They were using dump drunks and a snow combine. I have never seen them do that before. Amazing. Amazing since the snow plowed off of the parkway was primarily deposited onto it.

    I checked the Suitland Bike Path out this morning, it is 100% clear. They even trucked out the big snow piles at each crossing. As a side benefit, the snow clearing removed a lot of the broken glass, used diapers, car parts and gravel piles.


    @Tim Kelley 133828 wrote:

    People taking our advice! http://www.bikearlington.com/pages/news-events/blog/winter-riding-its-okay-to-skip-the-ice-and-snow/

    Or, they didn’t ride on the part of the trail that wasn’t clear. According to this thread, Arlington didn’t clear the Bikeometer’s block for a couple days.

    Tim Kelley

    @dasgeh 133849 wrote:

    Or, they didn’t ride on the part of the trail that wasn’t clear. According to this thread, Arlington didn’t clear the Bikeometer’s block for a couple days.

    That’s can’t be it. Don’t be such a Debbie Dasgeh Downer, of course they’d be listening to everything we have to say!


    @Steve O 133827 wrote:


    It could have been the Arlington Deer. Or the Arlington Fox.

    Steve O

    @Tim Kelley 133828 wrote:

    People taking our advice! http://www.bikearlington.com/pages/news-events/blog/winter-riding-its-okay-to-skip-the-ice-and-snow/

    Perhaps I am completely misreading that post, but my understanding of its intent is to encourage fair weather cyclists to try biking in the winter when conditions are still not so bad. I did not read anything at all in that post to DIScourage cyclists who are willing or interested in riding when it’s cold and wet and snowy.
    Shoot, you even have a Riding in the Snow page on your web site.

    Tim Kelley

    @Steve O 133891 wrote:

    Perhaps I am completely misreading that post, but my understanding of its intent is to encourage fair weather cyclists to try biking in the winter when conditions are still not so bad. I did not read anything at all in that post to DIScourage cyclists who are willing or interested in riding when it’s cold and wet and snowy.
    Shoot, you even have a Riding in the Snow page on your web site.


    Don’t bother wasting any more time thinking about this!

    Steve O

    @Tim Kelley 133892 wrote:

    Don’t bother wasting any more time thinking about this!

    I am still wondering who that one person was, though. It’s gonna keep me up at night. ;)


    There were actually three riders that day.





    Confirmed with the NPS today that work will be starting up in April to complete the work on the trail, including the final paving


    @CaseyKane50 137363 wrote:

    Confirmed with the NPS today that work will be starting up in April to complete the work on the trail, including the final paving

    This is the MVT at the southernmost National Airport overpass? I had noticed there hasn’t been much work going on there lately. Why is that?


    @KWL 137365 wrote:

    This is the MVT at the southernmost National Airport overpass? I had noticed there hasn’t been much work going on there lately. Why is that?

    Yes, it is. I didn’ ask, but earlier this year they had said they stop work and resume in April. I suspect that some of the work needed warmer weather, especially the paving. They did put in a water fountain last week.

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