FSSB #3 – Find the Founding Fathers

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition FSSB #3 – Find the Founding Fathers

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    My guess is fence somewhere on the WH perimeter, fitting for the current president and also fitting for its longest resident, FDR.

    Steve O

    @cvcalhoun 76799 wrote:

    I think you may have to give us a hint on what this is?

    You’re joking, right?


    @cvcalhoun 76799 wrote:

    I think you may have to give us a hint on what this is?

    Look in the background. Or in this pic:


    Another hint: This is something that existed up until FDR, but not since (except on the roof under Clinton, according to Wikipedia), and this one is the largest.


    @cvcalhoun 76799 wrote:

    I think you may have to give us a hint on what this is?

    @Steve O 76801 wrote:

    You’re joking, right?

    Well, the White House itself was disallowed in the very first post:

    @Mikey 74751 wrote:

    The White house or other POTUS site that is not specific to any one president will not work.

    So I was trying to figure out what specific feature would be associated with Obama. Given the clarification (and the fact that things named either Barack or Obama are not exactly plentiful in these parts), I’ve gone ahead and liked it.

    And apparently I was not the only one who was confused, as the first picture got no likes, and the second one got three very quickly.


    @dasgeh 76802 wrote:

    (except on the roof under Clinton, according to Wikipedia),


    Another unsuccessful attempt was made by President Bill Clinton, who was denied by the White House, saying it was not in keeping with the formal nature of the White House grounds

    I find this absolutely hilarious, in a Beverly Hillbillies kind of way.

    Bubba from Arkansas comes to the White House, and his prim and proper handlers won’t let him dig in the dirt.


    What?… FDR grew “hemp?”


    @UnknownCyclist 76805 wrote:

    What?… FDR grew “hemp?”

    He grew Amaranthus cannabinus, or water hemp. I’m pretty sure that attempts to smoke the stuff would be about as rewarding as trying to smoke a piece of hemp rope.

    Steve O

    @Steve O 76801 wrote:

    You’re joking, right?

    Sorry. I had forgotten about that early qualifier that the White House was verboten. Can I add this comment to my application for the feckless award?


    I was going to post a pic of my choom dealer’s apartment, but he objected. Stupid dealer.


    So I guess I’m the only one here who rides by there just to drool at the garden…

    But you definitely learn something new everyday. Thanks for the challenge, Mikey, I know I learned a lot and rode a little extra for it (I needed to bike from foggy bottom to the hill at lunch so couldn’t resist all these pics)

    Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk


    I’m glad everyone had fun with this one. At times the competition was pretty cut throat with defensive dislikes, and clandestine photos in the dark. I didn’t have any idea how long it would take, but was surprised once we got going how quick it actually was. I admire your creativity, and your desire to go a little out of your way to teach us something. I also enjoyed when we were thinking the same thing without communicating, and then racing to get the same photo, missing each other by mere minutes. And most of all, I’m glad that this was a good diversion from the daily cold, icy, windy, dark slog through the set of Disney’s Frozen.


    I think you can just barely make out the Truman Balcony on that pic of the White House, if that counts for anything.



    @Mikey 76824 wrote:

    I’m glad everyone had fun with this one. At times the competition was pretty cut throat with defensive dislikes, and clandestine photos in the dark. I didn’t have any idea how long it would take, but was surprised once we got going how quick it actually was. I admire your creativity, and your desire to go a little out of your way to teach us something. I also enjoyed when we were thinking the same thing without communicating, and then racing to get the same photo, missing each other by mere minutes. And most of all, I’m glad that this was a good diversion from the daily cold, icy, windy, dark slog through the set of Disney’s Frozen.

    I LOVED this side challenge. I learned more about the presidents than I had since 7th grade history; thoroughly enjoyed plotting, um I mean researching, how to beat others to a specific spot; and whiled away hours of work time checking the forum for updates. Thanks Mikey!

    Steve O

    Three cheers for Mikey!!! This was the most fun I’ve had in years. (whatever that says about my life….)

    @Mikey 76824 wrote:

    I’m glad everyone had fun with this one. At times the competition was pretty cut throat with defensive dislikes, and clandestine photos in the dark. I didn’t have any idea how long it would take, but was surprised once we got going how quick it actually was. I admire your creativity, and your desire to go a little out of your way to teach us something. I also enjoyed when we were thinking the same thing without communicating, and then racing to get the same photo, missing each other by mere minutes. And most of all, I’m glad that this was a good diversion from the daily cold, icy, windy, dark slog through the set of Disney’s Frozen.


    Is anyone really good at graphic design? and have a lot of extra time on their hands. I think it would be cool to generate a poster with all of the winning photos on it, and present them at FS end happy hour.

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