Final BAFS Happy Hour – Thurs., Apr. 3

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Final BAFS Happy Hour – Thurs., Apr. 3

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  • #997722
    Steve O

    @KelOnWheels 81513 wrote:

    How late ARE people planning on staying?

    Can’t you read?
    @Steve O 81489 wrote:

    Celebration ends, I presume, at midnight, when Cap City closes.


    @Steve O 81562 wrote:

    Can’t you read?

    Well I READ that part, but I can’t get there until 9:30 PM so I don’t wanna be all alooooone.

    Fast Friendly Guy

    [h=2]BAFS Poem in Honor of The Winning Team (and all who rode this winter)[/h]
    Freezing Saddles

    Deep inside a winter’s night
    An alarm clock screams with all its might
    The sun’s not up and the wind is howling
    Like a grizzly’s roar or a tiger growling

    You want to roll over and stay in bed
    But a voice says, “Go!” inside your head
    Snow is falling and the window rattles
    Yes, another day of Freezing Saddles!

    You slowly pull the curtain aside
    It may be freezing, but it’s time to ride
    Outside is many a wintry mile
    Across your face spreads a thin wry smile

    On with the base layers; on with the Gortex;
    Gloves and booties for the Polar Vortex
    Blinkies are lit and the headlight’s aglow
    It’s time to head out in to the snow!

    Black ice or powder, it matters not
    Because you’ll give it all you’ve got
    Knobbies or studs on front and back
    On wooden bridges you find your track

    Peddling o’er Brandymore; o’er ruts of death
    Clouds of steam with every breath
    Up the shivering Sisters you climb
    Ahead is the horror of icy Trollheim

    So you take to the streets and leave the trail
    But here it’s just another tale.
    Speeding cars all in a rush
    Are splashing salt and slinging slush!

    Just when you think you’re going berserk
    You finally make it into work
    Querulous coworkers cast a jaundiced eye
    As their kitted office mate walks by

    Backed up work’s on your desk in piles
    ‘Cause at lunch you rode those extra miles
    Turn off the computer; lay down the pen
    ‘Cause now it’s time to head out again.

    It’s still as cold as a witch’s ……nose
    Soon you’ll have those frozen toes
    The winter sun is a low red arc
    And now you’re riding in the dark

    “Why do you do it?” friends want to know
    It’s cold, it’s dark; and there’s so much snow!
    “Why don’t you drive or take a bus?”
    “Why aren’t you like the rest of us?”

    Sometimes you ask yourself the same
    Who is it here that is to blame?
    Is it the challenge; or the thrill of a quest?
    Or teammates for whom you do your best?

    What is the answer? You search your heart,
    What is it exactly that sets you apart?
    Words can’t do justice; why even try?
    How will others ever understand why?

    It’s making the first tracks on new fallen snow
    It’s the thrill of going where few choose to go
    It’s excitement and danger that fills a need
    It’s your beating heart when you pick up speed

    It’s the rhythm of your pedals, thighs and knees
    It’s the full day ride and the lunchtime sleaze
    It’s the joy in your lungs of cold crisp air
    It’s the awesome silence that feels like a prayer

    It’s the beauty of the sunlit snow
    It’s the thrilling challenge that makes you go
    It’s a pledge that goes on and on for weeks
    It’s the permanent glow upon your cheeks

    It’s beating your best on every ride
    It’s the roaring fire that burns inside
    It’s the frozen night where bright stars soar
    How can you tell them all this and more?

    Now, everyone’s leaning forward to hear
    Why do you do this every year?
    So you tell them the answer from deep inside,
    Saying simply, “I’m a rider and I like to ride.”

    So, when winter serves up its icy dish
    And warm fingers and toes are but a wish
    You forget the pain and open your eyes
    All around you is the ultimate prize!

    Thank you to everyone who helped make the Happy
    Hour so much fun!

    Dave P


    That poem was so good. I am impressed!

    @Fast Friendly Guy 81582 wrote:

    [h=2]BAFS Poem in Honor of The Winning Team (and all who rode this winter)[/h]
    Freezing Saddles

    Deep inside a winter’s night
    An alarm clock screams with all its might
    The sun’s not up and the wind is howling
    Like a grizzly’s roar or a tiger growling

    You want to roll over and stay in bed
    But a voice says, “Go!” inside your head
    Snow is falling and the window rattles
    Yes, another day of Freezing Saddles!

    You slowly pull the curtain aside
    It may be freezing, but it’s time to ride
    Outside is many a wintry mile
    Across your face spreads a thin wry smile

    On with the base layers; on with the Gortex;
    Gloves and booties for the Polar Vortex
    Blinkies are lit and the headlight’s aglow
    It’s time to head out in to the snow!

    Black ice or powder, it matters not
    Because you’ll give it all you’ve got
    Knobbies or studs on front and back
    On wooden bridges you find your track

    Peddling o’er Brandymore; o’er ruts of death
    Clouds of steam with every breath
    Up the shivering Sisters you climb
    Ahead is the horror of icy Trollheim

    So you take to the streets and leave the trail
    But here it’s just another tale.
    Speeding cars all in a rush
    Are splashing salt and slinging slush!

    Just when you think you’re going berserk
    You finally make it into work
    Querulous coworkers cast a jaundiced eye
    As their kitted office mate walks by

    Backed up work’s on your desk in piles
    ‘Cause at lunch you rode those extra miles
    Turn off the computer; lay down the pen
    ‘Cause now it’s time to head out again.

    It’s still as cold as a witch’s ……nose
    Soon you’ll have those frozen toes
    The winter sun is a low red arc
    And now you’re riding in the dark

    “Why do you do it?” friends want to know
    It’s cold, it’s dark; and there’s so much snow!
    “Why don’t you drive or take a bus?”
    “Why aren’t you like the rest of us?”

    Sometimes you ask yourself the same
    Who is it here that is to blame?
    Is it the challenge; or the thrill of a quest?
    Or teammates for whom you do your best?

    What is the answer? You search your heart,
    What is it exactly that sets you apart?
    Words can’t do justice; why even try?
    How will others ever understand why?

    It’s making the first tracks on new fallen snow
    It’s the thrill of going where few choose to go
    It’s excitement and danger that fills a need
    It’s your beating heart when you pick up speed

    It’s the rhythm of your pedals, thighs and knees
    It’s the full day ride and the lunchtime sleaze
    It’s the joy in your lungs of cold crisp air
    It’s the awesome silence that feels like a prayer

    It’s the beauty of the sunlit snow
    It’s the thrilling challenge that makes you go
    It’s a pledge that goes on and on for weeks
    It’s the permanent glow upon your cheeks

    It’s beating your best on every ride
    It’s the roaring fire that burns inside
    It’s the frozen night where bright stars soar
    How can you tell them all this and more?

    Now, everyone’s leaning forward to hear
    Why do you do this every year?
    So you tell them the answer from deep inside,
    Saying simply, “I’m a rider and I like to ride.”

    So, when winter serves up its icy dish
    And warm fingers and toes are but a wish
    You forget the pain and open your eyes
    All around you is the ultimate prize!

    Thank you to everyone who helped make the Happy
    Hour so much fun!

    Dave P


    I got some pictures from last night’s festivities:

    DKel, Dismal and dbb

    acl, phatboing, scorchedeath

    Sarah Grace, Kurt and Sethpo

    A shot of the prizes Dickie awarded for the folks that rode every day

    Fast Friendly Guy’s poetry reading for the winning team



    Arlingtonrider and acl

    KLizotte, vvill, Fast Friendly Guy and Mrs. Fast Friendly Guy

    Steve O


    Thanks to all of the organizers! It was a great time and awesome meeting so many folks.


    Where were you all at FCC this morning?


    Thanks for planning the event, ArlingtonRider.

    It was great meeting everyone! :D


    I hope to be able to make it next year. Looks like everyone had a good time! Thank you, Rockford10 for posting the pics. Nice to be able to put a few more faces with some screen names, even if only virtually.

    Steve O

    @Rockford10 81597 wrote:


    Too bad this photo was ruined by the cute kid in the background.


    [QUOTEWe can write out our own nametags though; don’t see why you feel the need to do that.

    I just call them nametags as a ruse. They’re actually Valentine cards and expressions of respect. :)

    Steve O

    For those of you who missed the celebration or could not hear over the chatter, here’s a recap of the Creative Title Awards

    Category: Title You Don’t Want to Really Think Through
    Awarded to: Seth Pollack
    For his thought-provoking title:
    This ride home powered by a Well Dressed Burrito

    Category: Slightly Inscrutable, Grain of Truth, but Could Get One in Trouble
    Awarded to: Shawn Gallagher
    For his slightly inscrutable title:
    Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit

    Category: Not Quite Ready to Embrace Technology
    Awarded to: Erin Connor
    For her Luddite title:
    The __bleep__ amount of time it took my__bleeping__Garmin to find the __bleeping__ satellites eclipsed the length of my__bleeping__ride home in the __bleeping__ cold and windy dark evening. Then I got __bleeping tired of waiting and__bleeping rode home

    Category: Wish We’d Been There
    Awarded to: Kel Moore
    For her titillating title:
    Flashin’ Half of DC in My New Wrap Dress

    Fast Friendly Guy

    Left to Right
    Back row: DKel Jr. & DKel, Dismal Scientist, Fast Friendly Guy, DCAKen
    Front: CaptJohnC, Mikey (and Mikeites)

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