Chronic numb hands while biking

Our Community Forums General Discussion Chronic numb hands while biking

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    Well, I checked the saddle last night and it is already pushed back as far as it will go and it is perfectly level so I’ll have to visit Clovis for any geometry changes it seems.

    I’m a wee bit confused by the talk of handlebar tape since my hands fit almost completely on top of the hood so I never really ever touch the tape; does the tape also fit under the hood? I have Shimano brake levers. I ride a little on the flats but don’t find it comfortable for long periods because I have so little room to fit my hands. On a 44 cm bike the handlebars are tiny and once you add a bell, GPS, and light you’ve used up half the useable space.

    Some of the tape on one side came loose so I had to fix it and discovered that the manufacturer only put on thin tape without any padding. I need a new chain so perhaps I’ll get new tape put on too.


    Perhaps some photos of the bike might help? Check out this from VO to mount your accessories. Frees up your hands at least..


    @Rando Guy 55374 wrote:

    Perhaps some photos of the bike might help? Check out this from VO to mount your accessories. Frees up your hands at least..

    I’d seen someone else post something like that recently and had forgotten about them. Definitely food for thought. I could then attach aerobars to give my hands a break.

    Keeping a bike up and running must be like having kids. The amount of stuff you gotta buy seems never ending….

    Tim Kelley

    @KLizotte 55402 wrote:

    I could then attach aerobars to give my hands a break..

    That’s the spirit!


    @Tim Kelley 55403 wrote:

    That’s the spirit!

    Yeah, but it should be noted that my one and only road bike has a rack on it for commuting. Hardly aero style but I’ve seen others do it.


    “Its been amazing to me how simple mm adjustments can really change how the bike feels. “

    I agree with this a lot — sometime only a millimeter here or there can make a big difference.

    I also find that any hand numbness usually comes when I’ve been sitting still and pedaling steady too long. The solution is a haul ass for 5 minutes, getting up out of the saddle or just “pulling” on the hoods as I pedal harder to lift my rear off the seat for a few miles. Always works.

    Of course, just pedaling harder is the solution to a lot of bike-related problems…


    @KLizotte 55309 wrote:

    Has anyone experienced this, found a cure, or else be able to recommend a doc with experience in this specific issue? I don’t think a regular doc without experience with cycling would understand.

    I had posted on oldbikechic’s thread and mentioned my own issues with left wrist and shoulder.

    I don’t have an answer (at least not yet), but I will suggest doing as I say not as I do and getting thee to a doctor sooner than later. Wednesday I was riding home and the first 25 miles or so were uneventful. Then I got to the top of the hill heading down from Oxon Hill Rd to National Harbor, went to shift into my big ring, and the bike wouldn’t shift.

    Long story short, after a lot of cleaning, lubing, examining bike, etc and two trips to the bike shop where I was told both times the bike was shifting fine for them, I decided the problem was my hand not the bike. (also after a lot of going around my house looking for things to grip, squeeze, push, etc– empty soda cans turned out to be a good test for right vs. left hand strength)

    I have a doctor’s appointment (my regular GP) on Tuesday, so I’ll see what she says and go from there. I’m afraid she might ban me from the bike for a while. :( I might have to ::shudder:: run for exercise. (ok, let’s be real about my abilities– I might have to jog very slowly for exercise:rolleyes:). Though I’m not at all certain that cycling is the culprit, vs just the easiest way to notice the symptoms (how many other things in daily life require significant finger strength after all)– lifting type work is what normally seems to exacerbate the wrist problem the most, a couple hours with the weedwacker was the last thing that created problems for me. If I am not banned from the bike, I will also schedule a fit before taking any long rides on it, which is another thing I should have already done anyway.


    You could go fixed/ss and not worry about shifting.

    I hope you find the problem, remedy and get better soon.


    A couple of hours with the weed whacker? I think I’d prefer a couple of hours with the iron maiden.


    @mstone 56056 wrote:

    A couple of hours with the weed whacker? I think I’d prefer a couple of hours with the iron maiden.

    I also very highly recommend not waiting until late-May before tackling the too-steep-for-a-lawnmower sections of yard. :) (alternatively, not purchasing a house with too-steep-for-a-lawnmower sections of yard) Once the grass is 3 feet high, the wacking goes slow and requires multiple passes and occasional detangling.

    again, do as i say not as i do


    I have some moderately good news to report.

    I’ve done 117 miles the past four days and my hands have felt much better in terms of numbness severity. I haven’t changed anything on the bike but have become obsessive about my upper body positioning. I have a tendency to bunch up my shoulders so now I’m constantly telling myself to relax and hang loose, change hand positions very frequently, keep pushing myself back in the saddle since I tend to scooch forward, hold the handlebars with the least amount of grip possible, etc. Hopefully this will all become unconscious habit soon. More core strength will help too.

    The numbness in my left hand has disappeared (yeah!) but I still experience it in the right hand; unfortunately I get numbness in that hand off the bike (e.g., driving) so I think it is a lost cause. At least the numbness isn’t as severe as it was a few weeks ago. Unfortunately riding in the drops for any length of time causes the numbness to come back with a vengeance but I’m concentrating on the hoods for now.

    I’m going to pick up some handlebar tape today that offers more vibration protection. I’m also going to see Clovis again for a checkup, probably at the end of the summer when he is less busy unless I can get some time off from work mid-week.


    @mstone 56056 wrote:

    A couple of hours with the weed whacker? I think I’d prefer a couple of hours with the iron maiden.

    I so wanted that to be Iron Maiden.


    Just tried out my brand new gel cork Bontrager tape for the first time tonight. Oh la la la. :D

    So much better than that thin gruel they pour over the handlebars at the bike factory. Should have replaced it on day one. :p

    P.S. I checked out the highly recommended Lizardskins but didn’t like their “slickery” feel. I’m more of a suede person.


    @dcv 56055 wrote:

    You could go fixed/ss and not worry about shifting.

    I hope you find the problem, remedy and get better soon.

    Thanks. I would love to buy another bike, or two, but I have major storage issues at the moment. 😡



    @acl 56054 wrote:

    I have a doctor’s appointment (my regular GP) on Tuesday, so I’ll see what she says and go from there. I’m afraid she might ban me from the bike for a while. :( I might have to ::shudder:: run for exercise. (ok, let’s be real about my abilities– I might have to jog very slowly for exercise:rolleyes:). Though I’m not at all certain that cycling is the culprit, vs just the easiest way to notice the symptoms (how many other things in daily life require significant finger strength after all)– lifting type work is what normally seems to exacerbate the wrist problem the most, a couple hours with the weedwacker was the last thing that created problems for me. If I am not banned from the bike, I will also schedule a fit before taking any long rides on it, which is another thing I should have already done anyway.

    Ouchie. I know a lot of my right hand issues is from using a mouse at work eight hours a day; I wish I were ambidextrous.

    Also, being only 5’2″ I have very short fingers which means that I’m always stretching to use the levers. They have shims in them but I’ve always felt like they are a little too far away for my hands to be 100% comfortable. If you are on the vertically challenged side, you may also have this problem.

    I think PotomacCyclist mentioned practicing the wrist exercises tennis players do; sounds like that may help you.

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