Bike to Work Day 2018

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  • #1087442




    mello yello

    There was all sorts of good swag at Anacostia, ART @ Benning Rd, Bladensburg, Port Towns / Edmonston, and Tacoma Park / Sligo creek.

    Anacostia and Bladensburg moved indoors, and it was a little hard to see the Anacostia stop from their usual / published stop. Bladensburg looked like an empty tent except for the park ranger waving people to come inside. Everyone else looked wet!

    Really not too bad on the rain intensity today. It will be worse on the way home – at least it’s bike TO work day, and I can put the bike on the car to come home!


    @rcannon100 178448 wrote:




    The fun bunch! Good seeing good folks.

    Not so good not seeing the BTWD T shirts…..


    @Vicegrip 178453 wrote:

    The fun bunch! Good seeing good folks.

    Not so good not seeing the BTWD T shirts…..

    Did you not get one? They should be at the shop. Phoenix also has a stash of them. And I would assume BA has some.


    While Bike to Work Day was occurring for most of the country, the state of Washington was celebrating Bike Everywhere Day. Same concept, except it is meant to celebrate more than just bike commuting trips by including errands, taking kids to/from school, and recreationally riding around town.

    Just like I did for previous BTWD’s, I planned a route to visit multiple celebration stations (same thing as pit stops) before arriving at work (I fulfilled the “Bike to Work” portion of BTWD). I was happily surprised to see that my building management company held its own celebration station in our parking garage right next to our bike cage and bike lockers. They also had mechanics on-site for folks later that morning.

    Here’s my video of riding around parts of Tukwila before entering Seattle and heading downtown:


    Nice. I’m glad you did not become a truck hood ornament.


    @KWL 178689 wrote:

    Nice. I’m glad you did not become a truck hood ornament.

    Yeah, that happened at a corner of Safeco Field. Traffic was blocking the box, so as I was making my way through on a walk signal (you couldn’t see it or much else due to the truck), another truck came up to make a right turn and stopped when she saw me in the crosswalk. That bit of footage was being played at 300% speed, so it looked worse than it really was. Seattle has its fair share of box blocker intersections, and people don’t seem to understand how much blocking the box can really screw up the flow of traffic (but, but, but it’s the bike lanes that are causing congestion, of course /s).

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