2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

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    Aaron bikes

    2/22/24 HEAVY

    “HEAVY is the head that wears the crown”

    Lady Liberty has had a tough job the last 8(?) years. No wonder she looks so tired.

    (Reclining Liberty Statue is in Virginia Square)

    My quote above is likely a common misquote of Shakespeare 



    2/22/2024 heavy

    “Force of Nature,” by Italian Sculptor Lorenzo Quinn, depicts a woman pivoting the Earth, an estimated 6.585 billion trillion tons HEAVY, around with a piece of cloth. Quite a feat!


    2/22/24 heavy
    Heavy frost on the field at Fort Hunt park was beautiful- this poem captures it perfectly:


    The morn is cold. A whiteness newly brought
    Lightly and loosely powders every place,
    The panes among yon trees that eastward face
    Flash rosy fire from the opposite dawning caught,—
    As the face flashes with a splendid thought,
    As the heart flashes with a touch of grace
    When heaven’s light comes on ways we cannot trace,
    Unsought, yet lovelier than we ever sought.
    In the blue northern sky is a pale moon,
    Through whose thin texture something doth appear
    Like the dark shadow of a branchy tree.—
    Fit morning for the prayers of one like me,
    Whose life is in midwinter, and must soon
    Come to the shortest day of all my year!
    [Archbishop William Alexander]



    I really didn’t mean to be whiny or sound like I was complaining.  I was just making a reference to the ‘photo quality’ part of this game.  I’m more of a person who rides a bike instead of taking pictures.  Even when I take a picture, I just unclip one foot, take the picture and move on.  Although, I have been known to wait for any type of breeze so my flag isn’t limp for the ‘flag’ game.
    I play this game because it’s easy and fun.  As Carol pointed out, if I didn’t like the rules, I wouldn’t play.
    I really do appreciate the work and effort made to run a game like this.  That’s why any games I have sponsored don’t involve spreadsheets or thinking!
    On that note, I will continue to play with as much enthusiasm as before.   I really don’t expect any prize winnings on here to supplement my retirement.

    – over 6,000 tons!  I had to research that one.  And on that note, I forgot to add that the new forum really ruins a lot of the interraction we used to have.

    Aaron bikes

    Since people are complaining… what’s the deal with people going to cool/interesting places? I’m sitting here in “not really freezing” DC , trying to cobble together miles and clever photos while having a full time job… it just doesn’t seem fair!  😕

    For the scoring… I will admit that if I were king, I’d structure this a bit differently. I’m not sure how (that’s what’s great about not actually being in charge), but sometimes the days when I’m proudest of my effort, I don’t get a point. But that’s because I’m not the judge. That’s weird to me. I like to be the decider. But I’m still proud of my efforts. And that’s almost as important as the pointless points.

    Anyway, getting to know what wins (sometimes amazing photos, sometimes oddball/nostalgic things) has helped me curate my efforts. Getting it “on the nose” doesn’t do it. Being insightful doesn’t often do it. Having supporting text/explanation only sometimes helps. Focusing on the photo and the feeling is where you can bank it. My brain wrestles with this.

    That’s OK. Because, THIS competition is what gets me on my bike EVERY day now. My FS team is, on average… average. And I’m doing my part. But I’m working hard to fight to be a contender in this silly competition. Win or lose, I can’t wait until it’s over and I can sit on my ass and let my leg muscles atrophy for a few days. 😉

    Thanks Kelley and Serdar for your initiative and hard work. My mileage for the year is way up, and my motivation to get up and on the saddle every morning is way up.

    And to my fellow competitors,  thanks for the awesome/clever/insightful/funny photos. Even if you are biking in places that make me jealous. And even if you composed an image that really puts to shame my lame submission that day. It just makes me that much more motivated to get out there and do better tomorrow!

    I hope those of us who are “regular contributors” in the competition can meet and drink or bike together at the end (winners pay 😀).


    @aaron-bikes – thanks for the words and for the photos. Poor Lady Liberty – the British crown is just under 5 lbs so going by that, hers might be heavy too – and she wears it non-stop, unlike King Charles.

    – I’m impressed you could find some sky for this photo – that poor sculpture is really hemmed in by buildings now. I did giggle when I saw that the crane looks like it’s poking her posterior. 🙂

    – that is a lovely photo – just “kissed” with morning pink and a beautiful poem. Thank you!

    – no worries. And because you looked it up, I had to look up a frame of reference. A fully grown male elephant averages 5 tons. A fully grown female blue whale (they’re bigger than the males) averages 150 tons. So 600 is a LOTTA water weight! I just love googling.


    @aaron-bikes – I may be one of those people who posts pictures from other places and probably a few lame ones.  I put in my time and I’m retired.  I enjoy life and riding my bike (in nice weather).

    No way would I ever want to run this contest.  I’m pretty sure I could get everyone pissed off at me if I was judging.  I really didn’t mean to open a can of worms with my comment. Oh, well.  At least it got people interracting with each other.


    2/22/2024  – heavy

    I’m so glad that @drevil is back, but also so sad that this heavy boulder fell on top of him during our ride today  😭

    PS: I love all the comments and interactions. Many thanks to Serdar and Kelley for all the coordination, judging, and dedication to #scavhunt!

    PS #2.  No drevils were hurt in this reenactment, I promise.


    2/22/24 HEAVY That must be one HEAVY flag requiring many strong soldiers to hold onto it.

    Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial


    😆 Omg JoM you guys are the BOMB! That’s a great pic. I’m glad he’s back – that was a LONG time!

    Also I’m glad no drevils were actually crushed 😁💕


    @JoM — that was a laugh out loud. SO glad no drevils were hurt in that set up. Very, very clever!

    – So heavy, and heavy that this generation, full of self sacrifice and sacrifice on behalf of others is largely gone now. Thank you for the reminder! By the way, your photo of the Wilson Bridge was “calendar” quality. I’d like to put it on some things (with proper credit) – can you send me an email, kbikeva@gmail.com?


    2/22/24 – heavy

    Huge heavy rocks on the w&od where it goes under 🤔 I think rt 50</span>


    2/22/24 HEAVY

    Traffic was heavy on my ride tonight.

    You’ll note that the light was green, which meant both the cars and I were moving, when I took this pic.  And for my next trick…

    Boomer Cycles

    2/22 – This John Deere 444H front end loader was way too HEAVY to carry home on my Bike Friday … and wouldn’t fit in my pannier anyway 🙄Heavy


    2/22/2024.  I’m glad I’m on the other side of this barrier on the I-66 Parallel Trail so that I’m separated by the HEAVY vehicles.

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