Placed high atop this ridge, Fort Sumner had a view that enabled seeing potential attackers when they were still far off. (I can verify that Ridge is high, having climbed it from the Little Falls Stream Valley Trail after taking this photo.)
Rode with a bunch of locals at a new-to-me trail. For this pic they stood on a huge red rock RIDGE while I was on another, with an amazing view of the Vegas Strip behind them.
2/18 – The ribs in this wormhole reminded me of an arch RIDGE, one of three types of ridges (the other two being Loop or Whorl … which itself can be further subdivided into simple (W) or double (2XW) whorl;)
The price we paid for our involvement in Vietnam: At the Vietnam Memorial, names of the dead stretch on seemingly endlessly, with scraps of paper stuck on by those who still remember them.