This was a tough one! I had been looking for a stake for about 10 miles. I checked for garden stakes, tent stakes, and stakes holding up trees, and found absolutely nothing. When I was almost home, and just about to give up and go for something more metaphorical, I spotted this tree.
Thanks, @serdar! This surge is brutal. My son is waiting to find out whether he or his kids got it from his girlfriend. A guy I’m dating is waiting to find out whether he got it from his housemate. And @nadine also has it.
After the auto dealership built out onto what was supposed to be the right of way for the CCT, the only way to widen the entrance to the trail was to create a second path going behind some nearby buildings.
(I’m not really back from COVID, by the way, but I had to bicycle at least a little bit today to get to breakfast with a friend.)
Bradley Boulevard is broad enough that it could accommodate a bike lane. But they chose to have a parking lane instead, even though there is a garage right there.
Not very imaginative. But at least I managed a 10-mile ride for the first time since I got COVID. I used to do that every day; let’s hope I can get back to that.