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  • in reply to: 2014 Total 200 #987510

    @hozn 70683 wrote:

    If Battenkill or Mountains of Misery can be done as a single day outing, perhaps those might make better candidates …

    I don’t think you could pull that off with either honestly. You’re looking at either 8 or 11 hours (total) of driving. I only did part of Garrett County last year, so I can’t comment on the DD, but I’ve only heard great things.

    in reply to: Battenkill #986266

    Highly recommend! Not doing it this year, but maybe next.

    in reply to: Solowheel #976837

    My first impression is that I (and many other poorly-balanced folks) would bust my face inside a minute on that thing.

    in reply to: Hit by a car again #976580

    @birddog 59003 wrote:

    She was a nice lady who exchanged phone numbers with me and was very apologetic.

    I was hit by a very nice and apologetic couple…who disappeared once the quote came in to fix my bike. You absolutely cannot put your trust in people you don’t know in a situation like this. Please look out for yourself and don’t do anything trying to save the person who hit you with her car any inconvenience.

    in reply to: new red light box in Del Ray #976201

    Does anybody think the little bike lane jog to the right on Commonwealth (preceding this bike box down the street) is a little weird? I kinda don’t get the point of it.


    Oooooooh. A friend sent me photos of Shinola stuff during Interbike. Covet. I might have to check it out.

    in reply to: Go ahead… buy that new helmet! #976024

    I got my brand spanking new helmet last night. Pulled it out of the box and immediately dropped it on the hardwood floor. I really hope that doesn’t count ;-)


    If you watch local ABC or Fox news this afternoon, you should see a story :)

    in reply to: Police chase in Crystal City last night #975438

    @KLizotte 57848 wrote:

    Which route are you taking? I routinely ride between CC and Alexandria.

    Potomac Ave. The stretch between Monroe Ave. and Glebe Rd. before the bike lane begins is an almost surefire place to get buzzed even though the speed limit is 25mph (which no one observes, not even close). I think sharrows with possibly a “share the road” sign would be lovely additions there. (I’ve flatted on the “trail” b/c of the gravel-filled gaps, which is why I chose the road.) The corner of Potomac and Crystal Dr. pretty must always has a shuttle bus blocking the bike lane and/or someone stopped in the bike lane to drop someone off. The mixmaster at Crystal Dr. and 23rd was never great but is even worse now that we have to cross the right-most lane to get to the bike lane. Etc. Etc. Lotta hazards for a mere 3 mile stretch of road. If it’s anywhere near 9 am when people are rushing to get to work on time, I get nowhere near the street.

    in reply to: Police chase in Crystal City last night #975387

    When I take the on-street route to work between N. Alexandria and Crystal City, it’s a little more than 3 miles. I have never gone that route without some negative encounter with a motor vehicle, whether it’s a blocked bike lane or being sideswiped or having a bus run me into the curb. Even with bike lanes and relatively low speed limits, I am routinely buzzed, cut off and yelled at, even when pulling into my own parking garage. I’m going to ride the elevator with you in about 30 seconds. So, uh, really? I guess DoD contractors are by and large just d*cks. That’s why I usually don’t go that way.

    in reply to: Arlington may lower speed limits on some roads #975384

    When I take the on-street route to work between N. Alexandria and Crystal City, it’s literally a little over 3 miles. I have never ridden to work without some negative encounter (usually more like 3) with a motor vehicle, ranging from blocked bike lanes to being sideswiped by a bus. Even with bike lanes and pretty low speed limits, I routinely get buzzed, cut off and yelled at. That’s why I usually don’t go that way :-(

    in reply to: Tour de France-related events? #975376

    @PotomacCyclist 57744 wrote:

    Bob Roll: “Complacency in the Tour de France will always be repaid by one thing — Punishment.”


    I loved that one!

    Just wanted to give a big thank you to the folks who attended the Gripped Tour event last night. We raised $3,500 for Companions for Heroes, which was actually more than we anticipated. Hope you all enjoyed the evening!

    BikeArlington gave a huge treasure trove of stuff to raffle and give away and helped tremendously in promoting the event. We ♥ you, BA!

    in reply to: recovery rides for beginners #975372

    Purely anecdotally, I find that a recovery spin — as opposed to a complete day of rest — helps. If I have a very tough workout, I feel very creaky walking around the next day. A spin seems to lube up the legs so I don’t experience that. Also, a recovery spin helps me not feel quite so sluggish trying to get started for the next real workout.

    If you’re a runner, a recovery activity the next day — either a bike ride or a walk — makes a huge difference. Very different sport, though.

    Also, on a tangential but related note, a cool down after a workout is very important. That’s why you see riders in the Tour on their trainers even after a very long, hard stage. Those 15-20 minutes following a hard workout are super critical to avoiding crazy soreness the next day.

    in reply to: Cyclists = Obstacles?! #975281

    There’s a lot wrong with the messaging there.

    in reply to: Tour de France-related events? #975159

    @Tim Kelley 57573 wrote:

    If anyone needs a little encouragement, I’d have to say that Gripped Racing always puts on great events at the Cinema Drafthouse. Well worth your time!

    Thank, Tim! BTW – I went to Dogfish Head last night to pick up a gift basket they’re donating for the raffle. Who likes Burton Baton!? So awesome! Very jealous I can’t win it ;-)

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