W&OD closure under Wilson

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions W&OD closure under Wilson

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    Meanwhile, more than 5 months after the storm, no word on when the destroyed bridges will be replaced. Best we have is this, last updated in October: https://parks.arlingtonva.us/2019/08/july-8-storm-update/

    County contractors have removed bridges that were destroyed by the storm, including the bridges at 38th St. N. and N. Chesterfield Street, Bon Air, Lubber Run, Glencarlyn and Gulf Branch. The 38th St. N. and N. Chesterbrook Street bridge has been replaced. All other bridges and fords damaged in the storm are being assessed for next steps.

    We’re still waiting on the replacement of the bridge at the north end of Lubber Run Park that was declared “structurally unsound” in late 2018 and closed to foot and bicycle traffic. In an ironic turn of events, it’s the only footbridge in the park to have survived the deluge on July 8, 2019. “Sometime” this spring, we’re told.

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