Alexandria’s bike/pedestrian counting project has been helpful for documenting increases in bicycling and walking/running in the past two years. This project informs the City’s transportation planning efforts, such as documenting the need for new bike lanes and new bike routes. We need volunteers to keep this effort going on September 12th (5 to 7 PM) and September 14th (12 to 2 PM). Please see below for details or contact Jerry King ( and Jim Durham ( with questions or to sign up.
Jim Durham
Vice Chair, Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Google Group:…alexandriabpac
Review our count locations below, and shown on the BPAC Website (, and let us know your preferences for dates September 12th (5 to 7 PM) and September 14th (12 to 2 PM), and locations. Early requests usually get their pick. Thanks!
B1 – Mount Vernon Trail just south of the WWB at MV parkway
B2 – Mouth of WWB trail West side
C – Mt Vernon Ave South of 4 mile run
D – Intersection of Commonwealth and Mount Vernon Avenues.
E – Off-Street trail between Braddock and King Metrorail Stations
F – Eisenhower Avenue just East of the Spring Hill Suites
G – North Beauregard Street just south of the intersection with King St.
H1 – Holmes Run Trail, along Holmes Run Parkway near North Ripley St.
H2 – Holmes Run Trail at the intersection of N Pickett/Holmes Run Pkwy
I – Van Dorn St just N of Metrorail overpass and S of Eisenhower
J – Cameron Street just west of the intersection with Washington St.
K – Prince Street just west of the intersection with Washington St.
L – Slater’s Lane just East of Portner Rd