Team Dog 8 My Bollards

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  • #922841

    OK…that’s got the bollards rolling…

    Welcome all!

    Steve O

    Steve O checking in. Let’s do this!!


    Glad to be a part of the team


    Welcome aboard, Ken!




    Dearest Bollard eating dogs (aka team 8)

    This is Rumi crashing your team thread to announce this year’s “team fundraising challenge” to reward any teams where all 10 members chip in *any amount* to the Feeding Saddles campaign, our annual charity partnership with the Capital Area Food Bank!

    To help your team win a cool little prize:

    1. Donate Any Amount (every dollar provides two meals!): (if you already have donated, skip to step #2, and yes, you can donate anonymously if you prefer)

    2. Hashtag: To count your donation towards your team challenge goal, just edit the title of your latest ride on strava (any ride since Jan 1 really) to include this hashtag:


    3. Check out to see your team’s progress!

    4. When all 10 on your team have chipped in any amount, you WIN! (and so do people who need food!)


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    You guys should probably take a couple of days off from riding. Don’t want to overdo it.


    @Judd 222831 wrote:

    You guys should probably take a couple of days off from riding. Don’t want to overdo it.


    Steve O

    Hi Team,
    Loose Bones and I are planning to take a tandem ride into Muhrland on Saturday. All are welcome to join, including other team members.
    We will meet Boomer’s art ride
    see this thread

    The plan:

    Date: Saturday, February 18, 2023
    Time: 10am meet;10:05am wheels up

    • Melrose Skate Park – meet up with Boomer’s ride

    Distance: Approximately 30 miles

    Meet at Eastern Market tandem bike locker. It’s a big blue locker located at the SE corner of 7th & Pennsylvania Av. SE on the Eastern Market Metro station plaza.


    Steve O

    Hi team,
    In case you had not heard, Nigel had a bad crash last Tuesday, breaking his pelvis in two places and his sacrum.
    There are a lot of comments on the Strava ride here:
    Let him know you’re rooting for a quick recovery and anything else you’d like to let him know.

    He’s obviously out for the remainder of Freezing Saddles. I will sub in as captain for the final 3 weeks.

    Without his big miles we’ll be challenged to remain in shouting distance of the podium. We can signal our support for him by making sure we ride every day possible and adding a mile or two (or more) to our rides.

    If he’s up for it, perhaps we’ll ride over to bring him some brownies or something. I’ll let you know.

    Steve O


    @Steve O 224794 wrote:

    Hi team,
    In case you had not heard, Nigel had a bad crash last Tuesday, breaking his pelvis in two places and his sacrum.
    There are a lot of comments on the Strava ride here:
    Let him know you’re rooting for a quick recovery and anything else you’d like to let him know.

    He’s obviously out for the remainder of Freezing Saddles. I will sub in as captain for the final 3 weeks.

    Without his big miles we’ll be challenged to remain in shouting distance of the podium. We can signal our support for him by making sure we ride every day possible and adding a mile or two (or more) to our rides.

    If he’s up for it, perhaps we’ll ride over to bring him some brownies or something. I’ll let you know.

    Steve O

    As a Bollard member from last season who also broke his pelvis in Feb., I can certainly relate to this. Based upon his Strava feed, he is certainly doing much better than I did last year. I wish him the best.

    p.s. Makes note to never be on a team with ‘bollard’ in its name.

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