Team 19: The Year of Team 19’s Officially Licensed Thread™

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Team 19: The Year of Team 19’s Officially Licensed Thread™

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  • #1093877
    imacynic;185461 wrote:
    maybe because her super awesome hubby is in team 19…

    fake news!


    @dcv 185571 wrote:

    pptyson and I caught HF riding with the enemy 271107f50022b6d6bafe636f69d065f7.jpg

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    No collusion! That smile is fake news! :)


    Why am I not showing up on the leader board in team 19?


    We’ve almost got the full team assembled! I’ll reach out to the straggler if they haven’t joined by tomorrow night. I hope everyone got some good pre-snow miles in. I know dcv and imacynic did!


    Yeah, they did. Was dcv on your group ride??

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    Someone needs to let me on their team

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    Anyone know why I’m not showing up on the main leaderboard ( Is this just something that takes time or am I being persecuted for my Maryland residence?


    This happened to some of my teammates, and I don’t think they are from Maryland. Just try reauthorizing the FS page to access your Strava account, here:

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    Hi all — Sorry for not knowing what’s going on but I can’t seem to get myself to show up on our team points page. I believe I have done everything requested in this email from Chuck below. Any advice. Seems like I’ll get booted in a few days if this doesn’t get resolved. — Thanks, Mike

    “You are receiving this email because as of this morning (Sunday, January 13th), you’re registered to play Freezing Saddles but aren’t showing up on your team leaderboard. This could be for any one (or more) of these reasons:

    1. You did not join your team’s Strava club. You should’ve received an invitation on Strava from your team captain to join. This is a MUST DO so please do so ASAP! If you’re not sure what team you’re on, here’s the complete roster: Then find your team thread on the forum to see if your captain posted the link to your Strava team. Or get in touch directly with your team captain.

    2. You may need to re-authorize Strava as there have been several hiccups with Strava throughout the registration process. Here’s the link to do that:

    3. If your Strava name isn’t your real name or your forum name, I may not have been able to figure out if you’re on your team or not.

    If for whatever reason you’ve decided to drop out of Freezing Saddles, please let me know and I’ll assign a replacement player in your place.

    YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 TO JOIN YOUR STRAVA TEAM! If you don’t, you will automatically be dropped from your team and replaced by someone else who is currently on the waiting list.

    If you have any questions or are having problems getting onto your Strava team, please feel free to email me.

    Happy trails! Cheers,



    Third reauthorization was the charm.


    So bmif and I have been eyeing the new Taco Bell Cantina that opened recently in Old Town Alexandria. This is probably like those fancy Taco Bells in Demolition Man. We’re thinking of meeting there at about 5:30! Hope to see some of you there!

    @bmif 186104 wrote:

    Also added to the calendar for THIS Sunday @5:30pm:

    Trash Panda Food and Drink, Presented by team X (Snow Patrol) and Team 19 (that has no name, really).

    Ever wonder what a blue mountain dew margarita tastes like? Let’s all find out together and enjoy this new Taco Bell location that has a (temporary, for now) liquor license.

    Some of us will be rolling from Conte’s Bike Shop on King St in Old Town at 5:20ish. Plan is to meet at the NEW Taco Bell Cantina on King St for drinks.


    @Birru 186114 wrote:

    So bmif and I have been eyeing the new Taco Bell Cantina that opened recently in Old Town Alexandria. This is probably like those fancy Taco Bells in Demolition Man. We’re thinking of meeting there at about 5:30! Hope to see some of you there!

    It just so happens that I will be in Old Town for a class Sunday afternoon so I’m in for a Mountain Dewarita.

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    Hi folks,

    I haven’t been riding much the last few days. I got hit with a pretty nasty cold that laid me out. I’m trying to lead by example and take care of myself and remind others to do the same if they’re sick/injured. While some other teams believe that fear does not exist in their dojos, this captain just wants what’s best for you. I hope you’re eating well. Don’t work too hard. Don’t forget to call your mother.



    See you at Tuesday Hills?

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    @bmif 186680 wrote:

    See you at Tuesday Hills?

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    Taking it easy still. I heard Snowbra Kai will be there though.

    That team name is totally up for grabs. I just need royalties. 10¢ per use.

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