SOCKS. Pointless Prize Thereof.

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition SOCKS. Pointless Prize Thereof.

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  • #922144
    Jessica Hirschhorn

    Okay I have been crowd shamed into sponsoring this pointless prize again. Last year we had over 150 entries. I made it much more complicated that it needed to be, so will simplify it this year.

    1. Take a photo of your socks. Preferably with cycling shoes but whatever.

    2. Post on this thread.

    3. On the first day of Spring, I will choose my 10 favorites. I will randomly choose ONE and that ONE is the winner. Prize to be determined by me but certainly sock or sock related.

    4. And 3-2-1… GO.

    5. BOOMER you are limited to ONE ENTRY per WEEK. The Queen has spoken.

    Regards, Jessica





    My favorite mom knitted bike socks with toe improvisation.


    Birthday gift from a friend. I posted the photo in the wrong place earlier. This forum is bewildering in the number of wrong places one can end up!

    They’re not in bike shoes b/c my shoes are still drying from this morning’s wet ride. But I got the wizard so it was worth it!


    Sophie CW

    Wore these socks on my first ride of this year:

    Boomer Cycles

    My first weekly submission, “Getting Spooky,” as decreed by the QOS (Queen of Socks)!

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk


    @Boomer2U 203785 wrote:

    My first weekly submission, “Getting Spooky,” as decreed by the QOS (Queen of Socks)!

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You really want to submit this early in the week? What happens if you come across some bright & fun pair of sock you had forgotten about in the back of your sock drawer come Thursday???

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    Jessica Hirschhorn

    Not a contender, but these are my waterproof socks. Either they are on the wrong feet, of they were designed by Yoda.e984ad6d568056bcee8b736aa37e6cf9.jpg

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    Boomer Cycles

    @smb9600 203940 wrote:

    You really want to submit this early in the week? What happens if you come across some bright & fun pair of sock you had forgotten about in the back of your sock drawer come Thursday???

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    As a defending Sock Champion, I am limiting myself, following the QOS’s edict #5 above, to not only weekly submissions, but also socks [emoji3453] that I didn’t post in last year’s #BAFS2020 #sockgame competition, in the spirit of fairness for less worthy contenders. Stay tuned for next week’s newer, brighter n’ funner submission!;-)

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I call these my “Tequila Sunrise” socks due to the color pattern. They were hand-knitted for me by the BEST riding partner ever, Lefty Laura. This photo from today is when I was wearing them over another pair of socks and the bottom of my riding pants. And sadly, my feet were STILL cold so cut my ride short! But if I’d been wearing booties, you wouldn’t have been able to see these excellent socks![ATTACH=CONFIG]22139[/ATTACH]


    @Boomer2U 203984 wrote:

    As a defending Sock Champion, I am limiting myself, following the QOS’s edict #5 above, to not only weekly submissions, but also socks [emoji3453] that I didn’t post in last year’s #BAFS2020 #sockgame competition, in the spirit of fairness for less worthy contenders. Stay tuned for next week’s newer, brighter n’ funner submission!;-)

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    These are my new favorites. They say “Surly” on the top (to match my Straggler), but that’s not the important part. The fact that they’re warm wool is … and the laugh out loud moment when I read this on them the first time. It still makes me smile every time I pull them on.


    EN GARDE Monsieur Boomer_Cycles, jetez un oeil a ces chaussettes! Merci beaucoup Elizabeth I Like Wheels

    @Boomer2U 203984 wrote:

    As a defending Sock Champion, I am limiting myself, following the QOS’s edict #5 above, to not only weekly submissions, but also socks [emoji3453] that I didn’t post in last year’s #BAFS2020 #sockgame competition, in the spirit of fairness for less worthy contenders. Stay tuned for next week’s newer, brighter n’ funner submission!;-)

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Boomer Cycles

    @elizsnyder 204200 wrote:

    EN GARDE Monsieur Boomer_Cycles, jetez un oeil a ces chaussettes! Merci beaucoup Elizabeth I Like Wheels

    Reténme a mí y mis medías en las idiomas extrañas que quieren, sigo siendo campeón de las medías [emoji3453] como quiera!;-)

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk


    English: LOL
    French: Monsieur, moi aussi, j’ai été gagnant du concours de chaussettes. Je suis plus qu’un digne concurrent. Sur votre garde! Comme je vais te battre les chaussettes!

    @Boomer2U 204223 wrote:

    Reténme a mí y mis medías en las idiomas extrañas que quieren, sigo siendo campeón de las medías [emoji3453] como quiera!;-)

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

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