Should this be a right-turn-only lane?

Our Community Forums General Discussion Should this be a right-turn-only lane?

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    @Steve O 138963 wrote:

    Not the biggest problem we have, but something that could be at least partially ameliorated in short order pretty easily with a little paint, and we have a video showing it’s a danger. So why wait months until paving that may or may not happen when it could be addressed this week? That’s more my issue–that an issue that shows a danger to people riding bikes that could be very easily fixed is being sloughed off or minimized.

    A better answer that would show respect for the safety of people riding bikes would be: “We’ll send someone out to take a look and see what can be done temporarily to improve the situation and determine a long-term solution.”

    Also, although it’s true that street view shows the right lane unmarked back as far as Streetview goes, it’s irrelevant prior to the striping of the bike lane between the two travel lanes, which is shown in the 2012 image but not the 2009.

    I see your point, but I also hear things like they barely have time to evaluate bike lane possibilities for the roads up for repaving this year. If it’s one or the other, I want staff evaluating bike lane possibilities, because, as one very familiar with this intersection, this is low on the totem pole

    Steve O

    @dasgeh 138964 wrote:

    I see your point, but I also hear things like they barely have time to evaluate bike lane possibilities for the roads up for repaving this year. If it’s one or the other, I want staff evaluating bike lane possibilities

    I hope it’s not the same staff out painting the road also doing the evaluation and engineering of bike lanes. I suspect it just requires a work crew.


    Lines don’t generally get painted these days, the thermoplastics are a bit more complicated and expensive enough that it makes sense to hold out until you’re sure they won’t be paved over.

    Steve O

    @mstone 138969 wrote:

    Lines don’t generally get painted these days, the thermoplastics are a bit more complicated and expensive enough that it makes sense to hold out until you’re sure they won’t be paved over.

    Don’t use the expensive thermoplastics in this case. Just paint it until the repaving occurs. A can of spray paint is pretty cheap. If it wears out in 4 months, well, who cares? That’s when they’re repaving it anyway.
    I’d do it myself if I weren’t risking getting arrested or run over.


    @Steve O 138978 wrote:

    A can of spray paint is pretty cheap.

    I’m sure you must know it can’t ever be that simple. Line-painting equipment would be used, and a lane or lanes would need to be closed. Work orders, schedules. Do they even still have the equipment? If not, they’d have to bid it out. And you’re not going to do all that until the powers that be tell you to.


    Paint isn’t the only solution, though. They could just as easily do the following:

    • hang a sign stating “Right turn only” on the right of the right-side stoplight
    • install a sign leading up to the intersection that shows the layout
      (left turn only | forward only | bike lane | right turn only)

    I don’t think any lane closures would be necessary save for a temporary one as they hang the “Right turn only” sign.


    @bobco85 138986 wrote:

    Paint isn’t the only solution, though. They could just as easily do the following:

    • hang a sign stating “Right turn only” on the right of the right-side stoplight
    • install a sign leading up to the intersection that shows the layout
      (left turn only | forward only | bike lane | right turn only)

    I don’t think any lane closures would be necessary save for a temporary one as they hang the “Right turn only” sign.

    In general, the right turn only regulatory sign is mandatory and the arrow is an optional addition. That whole intersection is missing signs and has an oddly unfinished feel.

    Tim Kelley

    Also, Glebe is a VDOT controlled road, so that adds a whole other wrinkle into things…

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