Reported Post by josh

Our Community Forums Moderators Reported Post by josh

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    josh has reported a post.


    Spam. Please delete this account

    Post: This will help me with my work
    Forum: General Discussion
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: Jeanniemof
    Original Content:

    I have a company is a steady construction business and general construction contractor business: Carefree gerenal contractor my wife and I are extreemly happy to have found your site, it is exactly what my friends from work and I are dreaming for. The information here on the this site is/are very appreciated and is going to help my friends from church and I quite a lot. It appears web site gained a lot of details about this and categories of topics and info really can be seen. I’m not usually on the net all day long however as my kids and I get an opportunity I’m usually avidly hunting this sort of information or others likewise just like it. We have three of my buddies has assumed an interest in this because of all that I have put together about it and they’re for sure to be visiting this web site because it’s such an unbelievable treasure. We are also concerned with in Trump and how to deal with the complex turns and twists in world politics w’ell make sure to spread the word. and if anyone wanted major site work like top web design companies in los angeles and Sedona Web

    ChristoB50 has also reported this item.


    Likely spammer, posting repeatedly (under misleading subject lines) about “her construction company just started”

    jrenaut has also reported this item.


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