Public Comment and Open Houses for Bike Element of MTP

Our Community Forums Arlington MTP Bike Elements Update Public Comment and Open Houses for Bike Element of MTP

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  • #920890

    From Arlington Count DES:

    Improving Bicycling in Arlington – Your Input is Needed!

    Developed after 15 months of partnership with the Master Transportation Plan Bicycle Element Working Group, numerous public engagement activities, and over 2,000 in person and online comments, Arlington County has prepared a draft update to the County’s Bicycle Element of the Master Transportation Plan (MTP).

    We need your input before finalizing this plan to improve the bike transportation system through 2030, and there are several opportunities for you to make your voice heard in January!

    How you can provide feedback?

    Submit your feedback online

    Join our Trails & Transportation: A Webinar on the (MTP) Bicycle Element – January 16, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.,
    Register Here
    Submit your comments though the online feedback form. The deadline has been extended to January 22, 2019.

    Attend an Open House In Person

    County staff have planned two open houses for members of the community to provide their input on the draft plan while connecting with our subject matter expert, Richard Viola.

    Dates for Open Houses

    January 14, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. hosted by Phoenix Bikes at 909 S. Dinwiddie St., Arlington, VA 22204
    January 22, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. hosted at the Westover Branch Library at 1644 N McKinley Rd., Arlington, VA 22205

    Stay engaged on the project by visiting the Master Transportation Plan Bicycle Element Working Group project page for updates and future engagement activities.


    Bump, so it doesn’t get lost in the “just got back to work” flood.

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