Protected Bike Lanes Double in U.S.

Our Community Forums General Discussion Protected Bike Lanes Double in U.S.

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    While the WP distributes negative energy, here’s what the B had to spread:

    Grist for the mill.

    Riley Casey

    150 protected bike lanes in the US? My god, thats almost one for every 21 million people in the country. Clearly Obama did get that infrastructure spending in after all, the sly old fox of a pol that he is.


    Ah… The continued “sidewalkization” of bicycle infrastructure.:rolleyes:


    @DismalScientist 89950 wrote:

    Ah… The continued “sidewalkization” of bicycle infrastructure.:rolleyes:

    Yeah, it was weird to see that in Helsinki most of the bike lanes were just sidewalks split in half and painted with a bike lane. Wherever a bike lane was present, no cyclists rode on the roads.

    To non-cyclists there is no difference between ‘sidewalk’ and ‘protected bike lane’.


    @creadinger 89951 wrote:

    To non-cyclists there is no difference between ‘sidewalk’ and ‘protected bike lane’.

    I don’t think this is true. To a lot of people, the difference between a protected bike lane and a bike lane is a protected bike lane is one they could see themselves riding a bike on.

    The fact of the matter is, lots more people will bike if biking is perceived as safe. Bike-specific infrastructure lends itself to the perception of safety. And more people biking increases bike safety.

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