odd sharrows location on Valley Drive?

Our Community Forums Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) odd sharrows location on Valley Drive?

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    I was around Valley Drive between Allison and Crestwood a LOT this last week (and a Happy New Year to you too!) and couldn’t help but notice that the sharrows on that block are painted in the parking lane (where there are almost always cars parked on Saturdays and Jewish holidays, and I guess sometimes on other days). Seemed like they should have been in the center of the travel lanes, not all the way off on the right (and the other sharrows in the area make much more sense).

    Am I missing something, or did City of Alexandria make a mistake?

    Tim Kelley

    They are usually meant to be placed in the middle of a travel lane. Check in with Alexandria and report back with what you hear:

    Department of Transportation & Environmental Services
    Transportation Planning Division
    421 King Street, Room 300, Alexandria, VA 22314
    703.746.4686 • Fax: 703.746.3298 • localmotion@alexandriava.gov

    Jim Durham

    My apologies for the delay in replying. I missed your note last month. I looked at the Sharrows on Valley between Allison and Crestwood yesterday, as did Carrie Sanders, the Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager. She and I both agree the Sharrows are in the wrong place!!! Thanks so much for letting us know. Carrie has made arrangements for moving the Sharrows to the travel lane where they belong. Thanks again.
    Jim Durham, Vice Chair, Alexandria Bicylcle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

    @lordofthemark 63526 wrote:

    I was around Valley Drive between Allison and Crestwood a LOT this last week (and a Happy New Year to you too!) and couldn’t help but notice that the sharrows on that block are painted in the parking lane (where there are almost always cars parked on Saturdays and Jewish holidays, and I guess sometimes on other days). Seemed like they should have been in the center of the travel lanes, not all the way off on the right (and the other sharrows in the area make much more sense).

    Am I missing something, or did City of Alexandria make a mistake?


    worthy of silver, indeed!

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