Monday, September 20th: ABAC Site Visit and Social Meeting

Our Community Forums Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee Monday, September 20th: ABAC Site Visit and Social Meeting

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  • #909552
    Mark Blacknell

    On Monday, September 20th, the Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee will combine a site visit (for those interested) to the Shirlington Road/Arlington Mill intersection (the “Exxon Connector”) with an informal social gathering at Capitol City Brewery in Shirlington. There will be no official business conducted at the Capitol City Brewery – it’s simply a chance for ABAC members and those who are interested in cycling advocacy in Arlington to meet and chat.


    6:15p – Meet at northwest corner of S. Four Mile Run Dr. and S. Shirlington Rd. (plaza) This is for County staff and interested ABAC members to view and discuss issues related specifically to the signage and safety at this intersection. The goal is to develop a clear itemization and description of any routing and signage/signal needs.

    7:00p – The public is invited to join us at Capitol City Brewery to meet ABAC members and discuss cycling advocacy in Arlington. This will not involve a formal presentation (tho’ I’m going to attempt to ID willing BAC members with nametags, so they can easily be grabbed to chat). We’ll also have BikeArlington and BikesBelong lit there, too, along with some Arlington County Bike Maps that we can sacrifice to discussion and pint glass marks. My hope for this gathering is to pique the active interest of fellow Arlingtonians (& neighbors!) who might find it more appealing to learn and talk about bike advocacy in a more social setting than our regular meetings. Finally, because I can’t be sure of turnout, I am not reserving a formal space. We should, however, be easily identified in the bar area, and since it’s a Monday, I don’t expect to be squeezed for space, even if turnout is healthy. Location and venue info is here – Bike parking is plentiful in the area.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


    Mark Blacknell
    Chair, ABAC


    I’ll lead you out for the final sprint, Mark. ;)

    Totally kidding there.

    But seriously, I’ve got this on the calendar. Bike Advocacy + malt beverages = a good thing in my book.

    As for suggestions, I suggest a Pale Rider Ale… and/or an Amber Waves. Have one of each and we can discuss their virtues/vices.

    PS: No humans, animals, bugs or public property was damaged in the final sprint for the Open Sunday State Inspection & Emissions Classic, though Sean’s ego took a serious beating because Chris totally snookered him leading into the final turn. He’ll get over it.

    Mark Blacknell

    I’ll take you up on the leadout, and see if I can’t redeem the September sprinting pride for those sharing my given name.


    Mark, sir. It appears that I’m doublebooked for tonight. I will be there if I can. It depends on how soon I can finish with my other activities for the day.

    Talk to you soon.


    Mark Blacknell

    No worries at all (not that you can see this. Unless you’re the Turkish hacker. Are *you* a Turkish hacker, Dirt?).

    Mark Blacknell

    Thanks to everyone who showed last night. It was good to see new faces both at the site visit (we even had a number of trail users who passed by, heard us, and decided to join the conversation) and at Capital City Brewery. I feel that the site visit was quite productive, and am confident it will result in some useful improvements in the relatively near future. The time at Cap City was also well spent. So much so that we’re definitely doing this again.

    Also, for those interested, reporter Rebecca Cooper joined us for the site visit, and this is the resulting story.

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