Missed connection

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    @Drewdane 200532 wrote:

    Me: guy whose property backs up against the WOD.

    Also me: guy who has stopped using the WOD during the pandemic because it is not only more crowded than he has ever seen, but also because it has been overrun by sociopaths and idiots who clearly couldn’t GAF about even the most basic precepts of social distancing and mask use.

    ALSO Also me: guy who has gained fresh understanding of why so many people seem to hate cyclists after observing (and nearly being killed by) recent cyclist behavior on said overcrowded WOD.

    Yep! I’m exclusively road riding or staying on the trainer at the moment. The trail is scary.


    @Drewdane 200532 wrote:

    Me: guy whose property backs up against the WOD.

    Also me: guy who has stopped using the WOD during the pandemic because it is not only more crowded than he has ever seen, but also because it has been overrun by sociopaths and idiots who clearly couldn’t GAF about even the most basic precepts of social distancing and mask use.

    Yeah, I gave up on the WOD more than a month ago. So far I’m managing to find enough low-volume/bottom-tier local trails to get some miles in, but they are painfully boring and unpleasant miles. I’m not in the camp that’s found road riding to be improved…in these parts speeds are up and the drivers seem even nuttier than usual because they’re not as worried about running into another car. The attempt to close park parking in fairfax has led to cars parked up and down the road near park entrances, and there are literally crowds of people milling about (who can’t take a hint). I can’t wait for all these people to get back to the mall or wherever it is they are in normal times. :rolleyes:


    Me: Enjoying the closed sections of Beach Drive
    You: Enjoying the closed sections of Beach Drive, wondering why all these bike and pedestrians are in the way of your car.

    Cycling south on Beach Drive, just past the Wise Road gate, I encountered you driving north. Wondering how you would get past the gates at Wise, I turned around and followed you up the road. I enjoyed watching you try to nose the gates open. But what was even more satisfying was the screech of metal as the unyielding gates crumpled the sides of your car. Was the shortcut worth all that body damage to your car?

    When I continued on my ride, I noticed that gates near Picnic Area 10 were now opened wide enough for a car to go through. Was that your work also?

    Regardless (and not irregardless, Merriam-Webster), when I got home, I shot off an email to the park superintendent with these pictures in case they want to bill you for damage to the gates…just to add insult to injury.



    I’ve seen cars drive up to the gate and turn around, but never this. Incredible. I bet the driver has found a way to rationalize this as somehow not their fault.


    @secstate 201829 wrote:

    I’ve seen cars drive up to the gate and turn around, but never this. Incredible. I bet the driver has found a way to rationalize this as somehow not their fault.

    it’s times like this I really miss the ELITE button



    You: gnatcatcher

    Me: on the W&OD near Leesburg

    WHERE ARE YOU! There are gnats to catch!


    You: The owner of a Fuji Absolute 1.3 bike.

    You cable locked your bike in the last few days to your helmet somewhere in Fairfax county, but you forgot to pass it through the rack. Lucky you, it’s still there. May have to do something with the rain in the last few days.

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