Lucky 13: The Real Original Bollard Busters

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Lucky 13: The Real Original Bollard Busters

  • This topic has 9 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by JoM.
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  • #1128736
    Bruno Moore

    Greetings! We have a team club site here. You should sign up if you’re part of our team. They say you shouldn’t if you’re not, but if you want your riding to count for us instead of your team, I mean, I guess I won’t stop you?

    Anyhow. I’m our captain. I’m not a ringer by any means, no matter what some of the old-timers tell you. So, like always with these reindeer games, it’s up to all of us to sleaze our way to victory, or at least crushing Team 14.*

    So things we need:

    • Everyone to join the Strava group
    • An actually good team name (that may or may not coordinate with Team 14)
    • An excuse for somewhere to ride, preferably involving tacos. Since most of us live on the Route 1 corridor, Tacos A La Madre in Berwyn suggests itself, buuuuut…

    Okay, enough for now. Back to work with us.

    *Yes, about half our team lives with about half of Team 14…including the captains.

    Steve O

    Cease and desist!!!!

    – the OG


    Hey, I’m the one that came up with the name in the car last night on the way home for Team 14. We’re The Real Original Genuine OG Bollard Busters! 😀 😀 😀


    Bruno Moore

    Accept no imitators.
    -The ROBB




    You should link the Strava club here so people (include those from the far superior* Team 14) can mock encourage you!


    Nice to meet some of you last night (I’m Sarah). I don’t see a link to the Strava club but will join when it’s posted. And there are so many good potential taco rides…


    Sarah, so nice to meet you last night. I found the Team 13 link in Strava messages. So far, only 4 team members have joined. See you there!

    Bruno Moore

    Erm…right. I’ve been bad. All w*rk and no play makes Brünø a…wouldn’t know, really, because I’m slacking on all fronts. Whoops.

    Okay. I’ll actually press the “send” button on that email I’ve had half-completed all day, but for now, here’s the signup link for those of you who haven’t found the group yet.


    Lucky 13: The Real Original Bollard Busters Meet-up

    Thanks to team members who cane out for late lunch!

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