I think I lost my keys either at Thomas Jefferson Community Center bikeshare station or somewhere else beween Arlington Heights & Clarendon on Wednesday the 16th of October. They are on a carabiner and there’s a Swissbit device and a red Capital Bikeshare key fob attached also.
I used that key fob at 8:50 on Wednesday 2019-10-16 to unlock a bike at the TJ community center then rode down 2nd St S to Irving St to Clarendon Blvd and then across the Clarendon metro plaza and docked the bike at the station catty-corner from the Metro entrance. I’ve thoroughly searched the immediate areas surrounding my commute, without success. I’ve also had people on the building I visited search and ask guards without success. I’ve canvassed most of the businesses around Clarendon Metro.
Yes, I know about devices like Tile. I had a Trackr on my larger set of keys but I reshuffled my lightweight set and it took that with me and that set of keys lacked a tracking device.
Please text me at: 571-236-0938 if you find them.
Richard Bullington-McGuire
+1 571 236 0938
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