Lesson learned: don’t ride when fatigued…

Our Community Forums General Discussion Lesson learned: don’t ride when fatigued…

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  • #943032

    Ouch! Heal up soon!

    I worry that I’m going to be tired and forget to pay attention riding home some day and accidentally ride down the stairs at the 14th St bridge. That would not end well.

    I fell over waiting at a crosswalk the other day because I stopped paying attention to which foot was clipped in and which foot was on the ground and leaned on the wrong foot :p I am slick like that.


    Another example of why we should always have a phone and/or exit strategy.

    Heal up soon, sir!


    Thanks for the warning Brendan and so sorry to hear about the accident. Things can happen so quickly on the bike, it is a good warning to all of us. Glad you’re recovering and hopefully you will be riding again soon. I am assuming the other arm can still raise a pint to your lips? Perfect way to enjoy the TDF if you ask me!

    Best wishes, Richard

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