Kidical Mass Arlington 2017 Planning

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    Time to really start planning the rides. I’m going to try to plan a little more in advance – date, time, and start (instead of just date) – this year.

    So far, the only firm dates: I have are:

      April 29th: Bike rodeo/family bike show & tell, etc at Arlington Women’s Center
      May 14th, thinking 4pm. It’s Mother’s Day – totally open to suggestions for rides!

    Suggestions for when/where/events to connect to/rides you loved and want to do again, etc welcome!



    @dasgeh 157555 wrote:

      May 14th, thinking 4pm. It’s Mother’s Day – totally open to suggestions for rides!

    We should ride to Bakeshop / Artisan Confections / Screwtop Wine Bar in Clarendon. They’re all on the same block. There isn’t a woman in my life that wouldn’t be pretty excited for something from at least one of those three places.

    That said, I’m having real trouble coming up with a safe and flat 3 mile ride that ends there. Between Washington Blvd being awful to ride on and awful to cross, 10th Street being awful to cross, Barton being a crazy hill, Kirkwood being in a ditch and 66 being hard to cross….grrr.


    @chris_s 157559 wrote:

    We should ride to Bakeshop / Artisan Confections / Screwtop Wine Bar in Clarendon. They’re all on the same block. There isn’t a woman in my life that wouldn’t be pretty excited for something from at least one of those three places.

    That said, I’m having real trouble coming up with a safe and flat 3 mile ride that ends there. Between Washington Blvd being awful to ride on and awful to cross, 10th Street being awful to cross, Barton being a crazy hill, Kirkwood being in a ditch and 66 being hard to cross….grrr.

    The only option to end there is to take Highland – either ride around Lyon Village and take Highland south, or ride around Lyon Park/Ashton Heights and take Highland up.

    But great suggestion

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk


    @dasgeh 157560 wrote:

    The only option to end there is to take Highland – either ride around Lyon Village and take Highland south, or ride around Lyon Park/Ashton Heights and take Highland up.

    When coming from the North I much prefer Fillmore to Highland. If you think Highland from the South is sufficiently chill for Kidical Mass, then I can definitely put together a route.


    @chris_s 157561 wrote:

    When coming from the North I much prefer Fillmore to Highland. If you think Highland from the South is sufficiently chill for Kidical Mass, then I can definitely put together a route.

    I don’t love it, but it’s ok. We could be bold and do something like this (ok, the reverse of this), starting at Fort Myer Heights Park, if we think we can survive the grade (which is over 5% for .1 mile) on the 50 Trail. Or maybe not, cause that’s a lot…


    Maybe something like this. Could easily add some more meander in Ashton Heights for more distance if you want, but I kind of like this because it’s actually a useful, direct “I want to get from Columbia Pike to Clarendon” route that a family could use for transportation.


    The MJIM!!! Love it. Done and done. Thank you!

    Other rides?

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk


    Do you know what time the bike rodeo is on April 29th? I just saw the Arlington Palooza ( also on the 29th from 1-4pm and was going to suggest that as a destination until I saw the bike rodeo. Maybe there’s a route that could incorporate both?

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