Thursday, July 23, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
1501 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Street parking is available on 18th St. N or Key Blvd. Bike Parking is available on Oak St.
Building Entrance is located on Oak Street. After hours only one of the doors is unlocked.
Link to the Event: https://farm1.staticflickr.com/300/19786582775_87c46cbdb3_b.jpg
Non Facebook Link to the event: http://org.salsalabs.com/o/451/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=84654
Should be a fun evening! Stop by!
Join free PAL pizza nights to hang out with your PALs, brainstorm, eat pizza, and prep materials for our next block party! The PAL Program is a fun, effective, bike-tastic partnership between WABA and BikeArlington.