Join The Washington Area Bicyclist Association: They work hard so we don’t have to

Our Community Forums General Discussion Join The Washington Area Bicyclist Association: They work hard so we don’t have to

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    WABA works hard. They act as advocates for cycling in our region 365 days a year.

    They attend the community meetings. Have you been to a community meeting lately? Dreadfully boring.
    They testify at public hearings. Have you practiced reading testimony in front of a mirror? Nerve racking.
    They write letters to the editor. The difference between their letters and mine? Theirs have no profanity.
    They teach bike safety classes. To say I’m unqualified to teach bike safety is an understatement.
    They review budget notes. What’s a budget? I’m sure it means something…
    They get bike racks installed. And that’s great because locking up to a tree isn’t good for the tree.

    This week WABA is holding a membership drive. It’s $10 off a one year membership through the 26th of October.

    They also throw great parties.

    So join WABA. They work hard so we don’t have to.

    One more reason to join: They provide a lot of support to other groups like FABB.

    Tim Kelley

    BikeArlington says: All Hail The Hypnotoad!



    @Tim Kelley 34199 wrote:

    BikeArlington says: All Hail The Hypnotoad!



    As if membership wasn’t enough WABA is sweetening the pot.
    Each new membership comes with either a super duper WABA water bottle OR spiffy WABA sunglasses.

    Oh. be still my heart… WABA sunglasses.


    I’m already a member. What happens if I join again?

    Riley Casey

    You get WABA long johns.

    @Certifried 34369 wrote:

    I’m already a member. What happens if I join again?


    Lifetime memberships are available. They come with a WABA jersey. And a tattoo.


    I’ve noticed that local shops don’t really advertise or promote WABA or the discounts associated with membership…So I always go in and buy stuff, but forget to present my card. Not that it’s their fault that I forget, but I think if shops were more proactive, they’d upsell memberships, as I’m sure a lot of customers don’t even know what WABA is.


    I was out with the Bike Ambassadors in NW DC this morning handing out Bike Maps and doing a bit of outreach. It was fun. We gave out a lot of maps and probably got some people thinking about joining WABA. I talked with a DC cop for about 5 minutes and may even have got her to join.

    The other thing that worked well for me was helping out 2 stranded cyclists on the way home today. I fixed two bikes and when the people asked what they could do to thank me, I told them to go out to, and if they liked what they saw, JOIN!

    Everyone can spread the word like this. If you’ve got a cycling friend, give them some info about what WABA is doing, point them to the web site and get them to join. If they’re already members, get them to re-up!

    This organization doesn’t suck.




    You can also give to them through the CFC if your employer participates. I give an amount each pay period which then qualifies me for membership, quick and easy way to do it.


    I joined :-)


    Thank you! I hope you enjoy the swag. The swag I did not get when I renewed. And God knows I live for swag…


    I joined today. :D

    It was a group effort.
    – I was asked if I was a member in a very friendly manner at the Rosslyn pit stop.
    (I didn’t sign up but felt somewhat guilty, because I know I benefit from WABA’s advocacy efforts.)
    – I was asked again at the Golden Triangle pit stop.
    (This time I signed up and exorcised the guilt monster.)
    – And I received the sticker at NatGeo pit stop.

    Nice job, WABA folks!



    A blue B2WD 2016 t-shirt? Where’s that from?


    @consularrider 139989 wrote:

    A blue B2WD 2016 t-shirt? Where’s that from?

    It’s just the effect of the light falling on my desk today. Same color as the sky. So strange …

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