January Road and Trail Conditons

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions January Road and Trail Conditons

  • This topic has 29 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by DrP.
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    Arlington has a list of “priority trails” that it clears.  It does not clear every trail.  In theory these are the ones most likely to be used for transportation.  I think we’re about at the point we need to talk about adding the Washington Blvd Trail to the list as well as at least a portion of the Arlington Blvd Trail.

    Ben Schumann

    Unfortunately the Fairfax Dr. bike lanes in the Virginia Square area are still straight ice – it appears the County blew the lanes off despite claiming they were treated no differently than roads…thankfully my commute is also a straight shot on Silver line but was a bit disappointing.


    4MRT and W&OD were beautiful! Clear of snow and ice (except for some frozen melt, but that is unavoidable). Even the bridges.

    Bike lanes on Army-Navy drive between Joyce and the Country Club entrance were clear from Joyce and mostly clear towards Joyce.


    Agreed that we need to get the country to clear the Washington Blvd trail. There are always people biking, scootering, and walking it (and the guy on his skateboard being towed by his husky. That dog is soooo happy!)


    I was impressed with the brushers the county used. (Moved aside to let them fly by on their way back.) They cleared better than plows, leaving just a little sheen in places that eventually sublimated. And they went across jurisdictions and cleared the downriver side of Key Bridge, up to the Whitehurst, which was very helpful since DC *never* does the damn bridge, and I’ve always disliked taking the lane on Key.


    Hi! Hoping to hear about Custis Trail from Key Bridge to W&OD Trail. Is it clear today (1/18)? Thanks!


    NOVA Parks was pretreating the W&OD at 1 PM today, nothing at the junction with the Custis from Arl Co yet


    Anyone laid eyes on the Bluemont Connector near Fairfax Dr in Ballston? Was it cleared?


    The Bluemont Connector is in great condition!

    Bluemont Connector 18Jan24 1900

    Unlike the nearby Custis Trail’s Ballston Connector that is still a slippery ice sheet days after the snow event.

    Ballston Connector 18Jan24 1900


    Thanks for the update.



    Also, Route 50 trail as been reported to VDOT as needing snow/ice removal. We’ll see if it bears fruit.

    Use this URL to Report a Problem: https://my.vdot.virginia.gov/



    Today, Sunday 1/21/24, I walked parts of the Custis, W&OD, and trails through Bon Air in Arlington.

    Custis was clear as far as I could tell from W&OD to at least Harrison (I presume the rest is too).

    W&OD was nicely cleared from what I could see from the Custis and at least Columbia Pike (parts of 4MRT were cleared, but not all).

    Bon Air trail from the circle with Custis to N Lexington was clear (not the alternate Custis from above N Lexington nor the foot bridge over I-66).

    Bluemont trail looked clear from what I could see from W&OD.

    I am assuming the Ballston connector is not since that was a mess before the recent snow.

    Note: The water fountains that were installed at the circle for Custis (as it goes under I66 near Bon Air) and near Columbia Pike which claim to be the type that won’t freeze were not working. The bottle filler at Columbia Pike (in between the two water fountains) was working.


    Took the lane on Key Bridge yesterday (south) and today (north). Bridge is mostly OK, but on the Arlington end sidewalks are covered in ice and snow, especially in front of the dead Marriott. Are these County-maintained?


    Actually, the Ballston connector is clear, except for two small patches as the trail merges with the one around the pond. I was pleasantly surprised when I decided to return that way.

    The bike lanes on Fairfax Drive are mostly bad – one or two good blocks and the rest bad. It will take several warm days of no refreezing to clear them.

    The protected and unprotected bike lanes on N. Quincy between Wilson and 15th street N are horrible. Near the library one can bike in the protection area (not the protected lane, but the striped area that is supposed to protect the bike lane).

    The protected bike lanes in Clarendon on Clarendon are full of snow. Taking the lane is the only way to go. The bike lanes on Wilson in Clarendon were mixed.


    The Washington Blvd trail from S. Courthouse to 9th st S has been cleared (except for the bridge, but that is mostly passable)! The trails through Lyon Park have several clear spots, but a lot of slush that will probably go away soon.

    It was great taking 4MRT and W&OD, but not Army-Navy drive to get there.

    As per someone I chatted with at a light on the W&OD, MVT was all slush last night.

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