Yes, police were onsite and filled out a contact form, and were treating it as a two vehicle collision with minor damage. Not sure if that’s lack of understanding of the code by the officer involved or when you only think you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Motorist was very contrite and apologetic and admitted to what happened. Having the video cameras probably assisted that; looking thru the video he seemed to realize they they were on and recording.
I’ve been contacted by his insurance company; guessing his door was worse than I was expecting. I’m waiting to get back from Spokes the assessment of my bike as to the value of the damages.
I’m in agreement with regards to the size of the lanes on Fairfax, I believe that my paranoia with getting rear-ended from the vehicles that were behind me at the light kept me in the right-most part of the bike lane. At some point in that ride (probably sitting at the light at Quincy right by the construction) I thought “If I took the lane, drivers would get pissed off because ‘Get in the bike lane!'”
I bought the cameras because in the last 4 weeks I’ve been passed on the right while in the 7th Street NW bike lane at E Street by a driver who told me to get off the road I was making him late, and then almost hit twice by the same person at Columbia St and Van Buren because (first time) I took the lane when the lane got constricted to a single lane due to parked vehicles, and then again as I attempted to turn left at the dog park to get on the W&OD at Sycamore/Banneker Park. Got told where I could stick my turn signal too. Sad that they had to come into use so soon after purchase.