Garmin systemwide outage (1 Feb.)

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Garmin systemwide outage (1 Feb.)

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    If you record on a Garmin device and your morning rides aren’t showing up on the leaderboards, there’s a good reason.


    Seems to be fixed now. But in any event, it’s possible to upload the file directly to Strava to get around that.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


    It was back up around 10:30 and took a couple of hours to clear the backlog. Morning commute is showing up now.


    @cvcalhoun 223579 wrote:

    Seems to be fixed now. But in any event, it’s possible to upload the file directly to Strava to get around that.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    I manually upload all my rides. I’m not a ‘morning/lunch/afternoon/night’ ride type of person. I like to have fun with my ride titles.


    @AlanA 223616 wrote:

    I manually upload all my rides. I’m not a ‘morning/lunch/afternoon/night’ ride type of person. I like to have fun with my ride titles.

    I let mine sync automatically, but then immediately edit them. For one thing, I feel honor bound to change the ride type to e-bike when applicable. For another, I want a more informative ride title. And then I’m competing for several pointless prizes, so the ride title is often something like “20s #scavhunt #publicartfinder #420 #Bingo #OldGeorge #BAFS2023” and I have to upload several photos.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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