Freezing Saddles 2015

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  • #914871
    Steve O

    Some thoughts for next year.

    I have a friend who is doing something similar to FS, but swimming. Theirs is also a fund raiser. Each of the participants chipped in a modest sum, which they are donating to a good cause.

    So for next year perhaps we could have a modest registration fee that would earn a t-shirt (or other item) and the balance would go to a charity we identify. With that in mind, we might even seek sponsorships (beyond BikeArlington – thanks Tim & Chris!) like Megan did with the HainsPoint100.

    Am I getting too far ahead of ourselves?


    @Steve O 76875 wrote:

    Am I getting too far ahead of ourselves?

    I am choosing to not think about winter 2015. I’m just hoping to survive the winter of 2014 to experience that glorious thing known as SPRING!


    @Steve O 76875 wrote:

    So for next year perhaps we could have a modest registration fee

    One word: liability

    You have just entered the realm of an organized event. You would need an organizational shell, insurance, and probably lawyers. This is why registration emphasizes that there is no one in charge and there is no sponsor. This is entirely at your own risk. Same strategy was followed for HP100 I believe.


    We already have plenty of lawyers.:p


    Make the “fee” and t-shirt/etc co-dependent and optional and I think it’d be okay? And better for potential newbies, which you’d want to encourage.

    I’m not a lawyer.


    @rcannon100 76885 wrote:

    … and probably lawyers.

    Why do you think we keep YOU around?


    @ShawnoftheDread 76896 wrote:

    Why do you think we keep YOU around?

    I dont think what I do would help: Cybertelecom

    Steve O

    @rcannon100 76885 wrote:

    You have just entered the realm of an organized event.

    I don’t like realms.


    and also, who wants ANOTHER t-shirt? for a winter competition? make it a beanie, or a scarf (like last year) and it’d seem more appropriate.

    also, i won’t pay.


    @KayakCyndi 76877 wrote:

    I am choosing to not think about winter 2015. I’m just hoping to survive the winter of 2014 to experience that glorious thing known as SPRING!

    There won’t be a spring this year: it was sucked into the polar vortex.


    @americancyclo 76922 wrote:

    and also, who wants ANOTHER t-shirt? for a winter competition? make it a beanie, or a scarf (like last year) and it’d seem more appropriate.

    also, i won’t pay.

    Wool winter cycling cap


    @dkel 76933 wrote:

    There won’t be a spring this year: it was sucked into the polar vortex.

    Is there ever a spring in DC? It always seems like we get one or two weeks of 60 degree days, and then all of a sudden it’s 90+… until October. When we do get spring it’s in the form of a mild winter thanks to climate change.

    (only half joking)


    @cyclingfool 76943 wrote:

    (not joking at all)

    Fixed that for you.


    Average temperatures Washington D.C.


    Actually one of the things I love about Washington D.C. One of those places where we truly have all four seasons. Well, our winters on average are wimpy and ugly. But there are four seasons.

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