Found CapShare Bike

Our Community Forums Capital Bikeshare Found CapShare Bike

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  • #922523

    I found an unattended capshare bike at the Vienna Metro Station a couple months ago. It was down the embankment and I fished it out, locked it up and contacted the company. It was rattle can sprayed white so I assume it was stolen. Given the run around. Clearly no interest in retrieving the bike. After a few days and no response, I unlocked the bike. I eventually disappeared. Anyone had a similar experience? Perhaps insurance covers lost/stolen bikes….

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    They do try to recover stolen/lost bikes like that when they can – if nothing else but to salvage any working parts. However, like a lot of places, they’re understaffed on the operations side so don’t always get to reports in a timely fashion. Given the location (3 miles from the nearest bikeshare station), that makes it that much harder to fit into the work queue. Of course, that doesn’t explain any run-around/lack of response, necessarily, on the customer service side. Curious – did you call them or contact them via other means?

    Not that it applies here, but if there were a bikeshare station nearby, docking it and then reporting it needing service at the dock would be the ideal way of “returning” it to them.


    @LhasaCM 212717 wrote:

    They do try to recover stolen/lost bikes like that when they can – if nothing else but to salvage any working parts. However, like a lot of places, they’re understaffed on the operations side so don’t always get to reports in a timely fashion. Given the location (3 miles from the nearest bikeshare station), that makes it that much harder to fit into the work queue. Of course, that doesn’t explain any run-around/lack of response, necessarily, on the customer service side. Curious – did you call them or contact them via other means?

    Not that it applies here, but if there were a bikeshare station nearby, docking it and then reporting it needing service at the dock would be the ideal way of “returning” it to them.

    Am also a little surprised by this as I know they’ve sent vans as far as Leesburg to retrieve a stolen bike (though that one was being held at a shop). Twitter notices to @Bikeshare are usually effective. Agreed the best “return” method is to dock it and lock it.


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