Fairfax County Bike Map?

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    Does anyone have any up to date information on the new Fairfax County bike map that was mentioned several months ago? Has anyone seen a copy of it or know where paper copies might be available?

    (I think that the online one is the 2008 version.)


    I have a paper copy beside me as I write this, which I got (for free, though “$3” is printed on the front) from the mobile commuter store. They are also supposed to be available at the county govt facilities in each magisterial district, I think.


    If you will be at the bike count training (1, 2, 3 – I think I am ready, put me in coach) on the 11th, I will try to bring you one. Or this can wait till the 20th.


    Thanks Dana! I’ll let you know as the time draws closer.


    Our friends in Arlington sent me the new FFX map, as well as the DC and Arlington maps, for free. I ordered online and hand the maps in hand the next day. Now that’s good service.


    Thanks for this info. I saw the new Fairfax County map online but was disappointed to see the key it uses.

    I really like the Arlington map, and wish all of the local jurisdictions would use not only the same color scheme as Arlington, but also the same key. It’s very confusing, for example, when the colors for what is a “good” route on the Arlington map (e.g., the Arlington Loop) are used to show a “use extra caution” route on the Fairfax County map. And then the Alexandria map uses completely different coding from the other two.

    Does anyone know who the best contact(s) might be to ask for regional coordination on this? I’ve tried to bring it up from time to time, but am not sure if it’s been with the right people.

    I know it will probably take years for the various jurisdictions to do this, but it sure would be great to be able to move seemlessly through all the local bike maps without having to figure out new keys each time.

    Update: I just received an email indicating that the new FFX county maps (blue cover) have this, but I haven’t seen one of them yet. The map I saw online must still be the older one. I’m looking forward to getting the new one!


    Hey, @Arlingtonrider I’m the one you exchanged emails with regarding the new map. Here’s what I see on my new FFX printed map… Preferred roads and streets are solid blue lines. Less preferred are blue dashes. “Caution” corridors use a blue dashed line with an orange highlight. Trails/Shared Use Paths are solid red lines with dashed red for secondary/mtn bike trails.


    That sounds pretty good – thanks for the info. I was hoping to pick up a copy at Spokes a couple of weeks ago, but they didn’t have any (maybe because they’re in Alexandria City). I’ll contact our Arlington folks or Fairfax County. It would be great to have some to give out at the happy hour, but it might be too late for that.


    @Arlingtonrider 31146 wrote:

    That sounds pretty good – thanks for the info. I was hoping to pick up a copy at Spokes a couple of weeks ago, but they didn’t have any (maybe because they’re in Alexandria City). I’ll contact our Arlington folks or Fairfax County. It would be great to have some to give out at the happy hour, but it might be too late for that.

    I picked up a copy at the Rosslyn Metro Commuter Store a week ago.

    Tim Kelley

    @Arlingtonrider 31137 wrote:

    I really like the Arlington map, and wish all of the local jurisdictions would use not only the same color scheme as Arlington, but also the same key. It’s very confusing, for example, when the colors for what is a “good” route on the Arlington map (e.g., the Arlington Loop) are used to show a “use extra caution” route on the Fairfax County map. And then the Alexandria map uses completely different coding from the other two.

    Does anyone know who the best contact(s) might be to ask for regional coordination on this? I’ve tried to bring it up from time to time, but am not sure if it’s been with the right people.

    I know it will probably take years for the various jurisdictions to do this, but it sure would be great to be able to move seemlessly through all the local bike maps without having to figure out new keys each time.

    This is something I’ve been working on for awhile now. AND in fact, the new Fairfax map does use a somewhat similar color scheme as the Arlington Map (which is actually based off of the Capital Bikeshare kiosk maps…). If you look at the 2008 Fairfax Map they use all red lines to designate routes. Now they use red and blue. Unfortunately they don’t have black for bike lanes and sharrows. If you’d like to contact Fairfax about this, they have the contact information listed on the map: bicycleprograms@fairfaxcounty.gov.

    Along the same line, Alexandria is just putting the finally touches on their new map. While I haven’t see it yet, I’ve been told that they plan to use the Capital Bikeshare key/colors.

    If you wanted to contact DC about their bike map legend, I would suggest emailing info@godcgo.com to voice your opinion.


    @Tim Kelley 31204 wrote:

    Unfortunately they don’t have black for bike lanes and sharrows.

    I really wish Arlington’s map set off sharrows and lanes separately. Maybe dashed black for sharrows and solid black for lanes?

    Tim Kelley

    @chris_s 31214 wrote:

    I really wish Arlington’s map set off sharrows and lanes separately. Maybe dashed black for sharrows and solid black for lanes?

    Definitely makes sense for some of the projects that you’ve been working on lately. I’ll make a note and see if we can’t get that added for the next revision!

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