Existential Thread: Or What is Freezing Saddles Really All About

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Existential Thread: Or What is Freezing Saddles Really All About

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  • #1049975

    A few people have expressed disappointment about the hours of gatherings, the entertainment value of side bets, etc.

    I just want to emphasize, this community is what we – each of us – make of it. Everything we do, someone has come up with and organized. It’s delicious and home-made. Sometimes it takes going out on a limb and hoping others will show up….like for a group bike ride or a Bread Thread gathering. http://bikearlingtonforum.com/showthread.php?8636-Bread-Thread/
    Or sponsoring FS prizes or side games….it’s all up to us.

    We’ve got a wealth of amazing talent, energy and creativity in our two-wheeled community. We can each pick and choose where to engage. I don’t participate in everything… there’s no way you’ll ever see me in a beer-drinking side bet, for example, ‘cause you’d lose me after the first ounce.

    But if we feel like something is lacking, there’s nothing stopping us from going ahead and trying it.



    @wheels&wings 137336 wrote:

    But if YOU feel like something is lacking, there’s nothing stopping YOU from going ahead and trying it.

    Friend Wheels&Wings Speaks My mind.


    Just think of all the stuff that is done so “right” it goes without mention.


    @Amalitza 137330 wrote:

    If it makes you feel any better, this probably has nothing to do with being new (or new-ish). Look at how many times poor SteveO keeps getting shot down in his own thread, and he is not new.

    Unusual cases make for bad case law.


    ^^^^^ Touché :)

    Steve O

    @Amalitza 137330 wrote:

    Look at how many times poor SteveO keeps getting shot down in his own thread, …

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this may be the first time I have ever gotten an iota of sympathy ’round these parts.


    @Steve O 137359 wrote:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this may be the first time I have ever gotten an iota of sympathy ’round these parts.

    What, just because she used the word “poor”?

    Steve O

    @UnknownCyclist 135778 wrote:

    None of these issues would be a problem if Trump had already been elected. Under President Trump, BAFS would be so amazing it would make your head spin.

    Posted last February 27


    @Steve O 148971 wrote:

    Posted last February 27

    If BAFS is responsible for Trump, I’m never participating again!


    @Steve O 148971 wrote:

    Posted last February 27

    Good lord, what the hell have we done?!

    Actually since I didn’t participate last year, I think I can reasonably claim non-responsibility.

    Powerful Pete

    It all comes down to trying to get Boomer to ride fewer miles and convince those who associate with him that he really is a shady cycling character. Also his day job involves forests and not roots and tuber crops (inside work related joke – but roots and tubers are really cool).

    Also, did I mention the need to discourage him from riding?

    Boomer Cycles

    @Powerful Pete 149380 wrote:

    It all comes down to trying to get Boomer to ride fewer miles and convince those who associate with him that he really is a shady cycling character. Also his day job involves forests and not roots and tuber crops (inside work related joke – but roots and tubers are really cool).

    Also, did I mention the need to discourage him from riding?

    As this is a new FS2017 season, and there may be newcomers unexposed, or old timers who may have already become numb about @PowerfulPete’s relentless nefarious ways, in a word: Beware!
    I mean, come on, how can you trust a guy who volunteered to be a FS2016 team captain, and then, without any free, prior, nor informed consent, just disappeared half way through the FS 2016 season. Whoof! Vanished off of Strava (check his timeline; Strava doesn’t lie), Nada. Zilch. His team fell precipitously after his unannounced and unceremonious departure. Check last year’s standing. @Honz’s manipulation of the data doesn’t lie. Believe me, you do not want this guy on your team. Even less so to ride near, and especially behind him. After all, he rides in a southern climate, and eats roots and raw fish all day long. Would you want to stare at that saddle all FS season long? I don’t think so!!
    Oh, and he’s a sore loser, just like SteveO. Just check who came in 11th most miles among the FS2015 competition. Or who lost the FS2016 coffeeneuring pointless prize (check here: http://www.washingtonareabikeforum.com/showthread.php?t=9719)

    Jus sayin’!!

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


    Man. Tough crowd here.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

    Powerful Pete

    @Boomer2U 149831 wrote:

    As this is a new FS2017 season, and there may be newcomers unexposed, or old timers who may have already become numb about @PowerfulPete’s relentless nefarious ways, in a word: Beware!
    I mean, come on, how can you trust a guy who volunteered to be a FS2016 team captain, and then, without any free, prior, nor informed consent, just disappeared half way through the FS 2016 season. Whoof! Vanished off of Strava (check his timeline; Strava doesn’t lie), Nada. Zilch. His team fell precipitously after his unannounced and unceremonious departure. Check last year’s standing. @Honz’s manipulation of the data doesn’t lie. Believe me, you do not want this guy on your team. Even less so to ride near, and especially behind him. After all, he rides in a southern climate, and eats roots and raw fish all day long. Would you want to stare at that saddle all FS season long? I don’t think so!!
    Oh, and he’s a sore loser, just like SteveO. Just check who came in 11th most miles among the FS2015 competition. Or who lost the FS2016 coffeeneuring pointless prize (check here: http://www.washingtonareabikeforum.com/showthread.php?t=9719)

    Jus sayin’!!

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

    I do not even know where to being with all of this warped information and false news. I move to Latin America to continue the vigorous expansion of the BikeArlingtonForum franchise is a new market, at the request of the Board of Directors, and this is the thanks I receive? And for the record, I was volunteered. People are always volunteering me, even though I have not one managerial and/or work/responsibility bone or wee bit of cartilage in my entire system.

    And dredging up old stats, that have clearly been doctored (I am not saying this, but your yuuuge numbers? Fake, I say. All rigged. The way we all know Strava is rigged for all those who did better than me in the standings)… forestry guys with no shame.

    Oh, and my saddle is eminently “stareable at”. Hah.

    Go drink a warm beer and enjoy your mild British autumn. While I have to suffer through a South American winter. As if the two were even comparable. When I can only keep hydrated with ice cold fermented and distilled beverages… the nerve. Sheesh.

    Powerful Pete

    @streetsmarts 149848 wrote:

    Man. Tough crowd here.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

    You have no idea, my good fellow forum user. And keep your guard up around that Boomer character. :D

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