December 2017 ABAC Meeting – Monday 12/4/17

Our Community Forums Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee December 2017 ABAC Meeting – Monday 12/4/17

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  • #919834

    In preparation for December’s BAC meeting, where we expect ACPD to join us, we’d like to put together some questions to send to ACPD in advance.

    This thread on a collision on Columbia leads to a few questions (they likely will be unwilling to discuss this particular case, but asking hypothetically):

    1) Whether ACPD considers a particular speed “too fast” for a sidewalk (and whether that is context dependent, etc)
    2) What sources of information ACPD looks at in developing incident reports — sounds like the victim here had Strava and ACPD never even asked for that information.
    3) What the process is for review of an officer’s report – both before and after it’s entered into the system.

    If anyone has questions to add to that list — either specific to this thread or more general — please let me know (the sooner the better – ACPD likes to prepare).

    Also, we’re going to discuss ACPD bringing statistics to each meeting (they come quarterly). Seems to me like a standard list would be helpful both for them and for us. If you have ideas on what stats you’d like to see from ACPD on a regular basis, please let me know (comment, PM, email, etc etc).


    @dasgeh 167752 wrote:

    In preparation for December’s BAC meeting, where we expect ACPD to join us, we’d like to put together some questions to send to ACPD in advance.

    This thread on a collision on Columbia leads to a few questions (they likely will be unwilling to discuss this particular case, but asking hypothetically):

    1) Whether ACPD considers a particular speed “too fast” for a sidewalk (and whether that is context dependent, etc)[/quote]
    And if there’s an actual legal basis for that, or just what an officer decides arbitrarily? Whether there’s any training on the topic or published guidelines?

    Also, we’re going to discuss ACPD bringing statistics to each meeting (they come quarterly). Seems to me like a standard list would be helpful both for them and for us. If you have ideas on what stats you’d like to see from ACPD on a regular basis, please let me know (comment, PM, email, etc etc).

    Injury statistics? Citations given in collisions involving injury? Citations changed on review?


    Totally unrelated to the Columbia Pike crash thread, but I’d be interested in the number of citations issued for parking in a bike lane.


    @Judd 167772 wrote:

    Totally unrelated to the Columbia Pike crash thread, but I’d be interested in the number of citations issued for parking in a bike lane.

    You & me both.


    Love it. Keep ’em coming.

    I was thinking citations for:

    • blocking the bike lane
    • 3-foot when passing rule
    • failure to yield to person crossing at a crosswalk
    • failure to yield while turning

    & citations issued to people on bikes.


    @dasgeh 167788 wrote:

    Love it. Keep ’em coming.

    I was thinking citations for:

    • blocking the bike lane
    • 3-foot when passing rule
    • failure to yield to person crossing at a crosswalk
    • failure to yield while turning

    & citations issued to people on bikes.

    ooh, how ’bout failure to obey “no turn on red when pedestrian is present” and similar? or even just failure to obey “no turn on red”. Failure to look right when turning on red? (haha, I know, but maybe if someone asks they’ll get the point.)

    dasgeh;167788 wrote:
    love it. Keep ’em coming.



    @dasgeh 167752 wrote:

    2) What sources of information ACPD looks at in developing incident reports — sounds like the victim here had Strava and ACPD never even asked for that information.

    Can you also ask about the status of evidence from camera recordings, telemetry data from phone apps other than Strava, from fitness devices, from GPS bike computers like Lezyne, e-bike controller speed limit settings.



    We have a fun-filled meeting tonight. 7pm 2100 Clarendon Blvd 3rd floor. Agenda is below. All are welcome.

    Also below is the list of questions sent to ACPD, and the list of data points that will serve as the starting point for our conversation about regular updates on data.

    Previously approved minutes can be found on the BAC’s webpage:…ory-committee/

    Thanks. Hope to see you there.


    7:00pm Call to Order; Introductions; Approve minutes Gillian
    7:05pm Update on Bicycle/Pedestrian Program Manager Position Staff
    7:10pm Arlington County Police Department Lt. Murphy
    7:45pm South Park Bethany Heim
    8:15pm Army Navy Drive in Pentagon City Jon Lawler
    8:40pm Staff Updates BikeArlington; David; Kevin
    8:50pm New Business Gillian
    9:00pm Adjournment Gillian

    Questions for ACPD
    1. Does ACPD considers a particular speed “too fast” for a sidewalk (is the speed context dependent, etc)?
    2. What sources of information ACPD looks at in developing incident reports? Do they talk to the EMTs at the scene? Do they look into whether a person on a bike or running had Strava on? What about evidence from camera recordings, telemetry data from phone apps other than Strava, from fitness devices, from GPS bike computers like Lezyne, e-bike controller speed limit settings?
    3. What is the process is for review of an officer’s report, both before and after it’s entered into the system? How often are reports changed on review? Does ACPD do quality control reviews to see whether officers are getting reports correct?


    (All categories by Collision-related; Not collision-related; and Total)
    Blocking the bicycle lane (46.2-888 or 893)
    Parked in a bicycle lane (46.2-889)
    3-feet when passing (46.2-839)
    Failure to yield to person crossing at a crosswalk (46.2-924)
    “Right hook” or making a turn without merging into a bike lane (46.2-846)
    Failure to yield while turning left (46.2-825)

    Failure to yield when turning on red or to obey “no turn on red when pedestrian is present” (46.2-835 or 836)
    Failure to obey “no turn on red” (46.2-835 or 836)
    Dooring (46.2-818.1)

    Issued to persons on bikes

    Injuries to persons on bikes


    @dasgeh 169225 wrote:

    Failure to yield to person crossing at a crosswalk (46.2-924)

    I can’t make tonight’s meeting, but this reminded me of my experience last Friday afternoon at Fairfax and Kenmore. I picked up a CaBi at the GMU dock, intending to ride east on Fairfax to 10th then southbound on Irving. I do this exact route often, typically in the evening when there is little traffic. This time, there were multiple Martz buses idling blocking the bike lane and right-hand general lane on westbound Fairfax, but there was a gap between them (coincidence I’m sure) at the curb cut / crosswalk. With limited visibility I walked the bike into the crosswalk just far enough to peer into the other westbound lane. With the bike clearly visible ahead of me in the crosswalk (almost to the midpoint between lanes), three cars whizzed past before one slowed to let me cross. Then I stood at the median waiting for eastbound traffic to relent. About twelve cars passed before I eventually pump-faked pushing the bike into the left lane, which finally got someone to stop. Two more vehicles went around in the right lane before I was able to complete crossing safely. All this on a clear day at 2pm, and I was wearing a bright neon yellow jacket while walking a bicycle in a painted crosswalk in a 30MPH zone.

    Let this be my location suggestion for ACPD’s next crosswalk sting.


    @scoot 169227 wrote:

    I can’t make tonight’s meeting, but this reminded me of my experience last Friday afternoon at Fairfax and Kenmore. I picked up a CaBi at the GMU dock, intending to ride east on Fairfax to 10th then southbound on Irving. I do this exact route often, typically in the evening when there is little traffic. This time, there were multiple Martz buses idling blocking the bike lane and right-hand general lane on westbound Fairfax, but there was a gap between them (coincidence I’m sure) at the curb cut / crosswalk. With limited visibility I walked the bike into the crosswalk just far enough to peer into the other westbound lane. With the bike clearly visible ahead of me in the crosswalk (almost to the midpoint between lanes), three cars whizzed past before one slowed to let me cross. Then I stood at the median waiting for eastbound traffic to relent. About twelve cars passed before I eventually pump-faked pushing the bike into the left lane, which finally got someone to stop. Two more vehicles went around in the right lane before I was able to complete crossing safely. All this on a clear day at 2pm, and I was wearing a bright neon yellow jacket while walking a bicycle in a painted crosswalk in a 30MPH zone.

    Let this be my location suggestion for ACPD’s next crosswalk sting.

    I have found that throwing up the stop hand and leaning forward slightly will cause most drivers to finally yield the legal right of way.

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