Data & techie stuff for BAFS 2017

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Data & techie stuff for BAFS 2017

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  • #1067447

    Hope it resolves today. I ran the Strava app as the backup but it tends to eat through phone battery and gives me the sads when I can’t look at all the data in ride.

    You might also try doing a hard reset. Turn off the device and then hold down the lap button and the power button at the same time. Release the power button when it turns on but keep holding the lap button until you get to the main menu.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Hard reset is next up. Odd that it worked fine on the out lap last night but wonked again this am on the in lap. Le-sigh. Garmin……..Wonderful things with wonky software.


    Hey y’all.

    I had a ride that recorded in Strava, but hasn’t shown up on Freezing Saddles yet. It has been almost 6 hours since I uploaded the ride. Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal, except that it was an 80+ mile ride, and after taking last week virtually off the bike, I could use the points.

    Thanks for your help.




    Strava’s APIs are down (again), apparently.


    @hozn 156735 wrote:

    Strava’s APIs are down (again), apparently.

    Not that they know it (

    It looks like they had some other non-API issues earlier this morning (a spike in upload failures around 9AM, and a 1PM drop in Garmin uploads that seems to have corrected itself with a corresponding spike shortly thereafter.


    Cool. I haven’t read this whole thread, so I don’t know if there’s something at my end that I can do, or do I just wait and see when their APIs go up again. My guess is that I just kick back and wait. Thanks!



    @Dirt 156742 wrote:

    Cool. I haven’t read this whole thread, so I don’t know if there’s something at my end that I can do, or do I just wait and see when their APIs go up again. My guess is that I just kick back and wait. Thanks!


    From what I can tell in my circles, I’m not the only person that is experiencing it. That may confirm that something is up and rides are not going from Strava to Freezing Saddles data. I see 3 riders that I follow regularly who logged miles today, but do not have those rides showing up in Freezing Saddles.

    Thank y’all for making this all work! It is much appreciated. You are not bad people. :D


    @LhasaCM 156736 wrote:

    Not that they know it (

    It looks like they had some other non-API issues earlier this morning (a spike in upload failures around 9AM, and a 1PM drop in Garmin uploads that seems to have corrected itself with a corresponding spike shortly thereafter.

    Yeah, I spoke too quickly. I saw one or two “gateway exceeded capacity” errors and assumed that was the problem.

    No, it is that MySQL crashed again and the geo table has to be repaired. I will do that after the kids are in bed.


    @hozn 156747 wrote:

    Yeah, I spoke too quickly. I saw one or two “gateway exceeded capacity” errors and assumed that was the problem.

    No, it is that MySQL crashed again and the geo table has to be repaired. I will do that after the kids are in bed.

    hozn is lying. Pete, you have to go do the ride over.


    @jrenaut 156748 wrote:

    hozn is lying. Pete, you have to go do the ride over.

    It is all caught up! Thanks. Great suggestion, Mr. Renaut. That’s my plan. Gonna go longer tomorrow though. ;)


    @Dirt 156757 wrote:

    It is all caught up! Thanks. Great suggestion, Mr. Renaut. That’s my plan. Gonna go longer tomorrow though. ;)

    I should hope so


    @hozn 156747 wrote:

    “gateway exceeded capacity” .

    That describes 80% of the problems in my life. ;)


    @Vicegrip 156425 wrote:

    Timely info, thanks. Went to ride home and what do you know, the 1000 informed me that it wanted to update. I said well OK then go right ahead. It is now running Ver.12. Worked fine on the out lap last night but wonky again this am. Seems the sat lock comes and goes and after a while it stops looking. After a while I turned it off and on with no help but it later got a 100% lock and worked fine for the last couple of miles. Totally forgot that my watch is a fully capable activity tracker too. Guess I will use my vioactive or phone to record until I get this one figured out.

    You’re as bad as me. I’ve got a Vivoactive HR, which I use to log all my miles to Garmin (which then syncs to Strava, MapMyRide, etc.). But I still have a Garmin Edge 705 on the bike itself, so I can look down and easily see what time it is, whether I’ve got my heart rate monitor correctly positioned, my moving time so far, my distance so far, and my speed. And of course, the Edge is a back-up in case I forget to start the Vivoactive or it dies because I forgot to charge it.

    Of course, I’m a master of redundancy generally. The bike has two headlights and three tail lights (not counting the headlight and tail light on my helmet). It’s got both a set of wheel lights and a pair of valve stem lights. I have a jacket that can be seen from the moon, but still keep a reflective vest just in case it’s too warm or too cold for the jacket. My view is that something is always going to malfunction, and I just have to be prepared.


    I don’t really expect anyone to deal with this, but it’s worth noting: weather data from the College Park observation station has been unavailable for a few days on the NWS website (link). The result seems to be that no temperature data is being passed to the scoreboard for rides that begin in my area of Silver Spring, and probably for many other MoCo riders, too. At least, I think this is is what’s going on for the rides below.

    This is somewhat sad, because some cold ride days are ahead (and because I’m doing well in the Freeze Points competition…)



    Sounds like a Virginian plot…

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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