"D.C. to give away 500 helmets to Bikeshare riders"

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    Recently I’ve been seeing four to five CaBis most mornings between the airport and Rosslyn with what appear to be commuters, two in my direction heading north and two or three heading south. I’ve been seeing one for over a year, the second on and off, and two are fairly recent. All have helments, one this moring was wearing his red CaBi helment.


    I never wear a helmet on CaBi. My friend always wears her red CaBi helmet. I figure we balance each other out.


    I’m a regular bike commuter (all but ~5 days in 2012!) and I take CaBi around DC in the middle of the day. I ride in on my bike, then ride CaBi around to meetings and lunches, allowing me the flexibility of one-way trips (e.g. taxi to a meeting, CaBi back to the office) and the added security of not having my bike locked up in places I’m not that familiar with (my husband’s bike was stolen from the Mall 3 years ago :( ). When I know I’m taking CaBi, I’ll bring my commuting helmet with me into my office and wear it on CaBi. When I don’t know ahead of time / forget and don’t have time to run back for it before heading out, I ride helmetless. I’m not riding that fast on CaBi anyway, and I’m an even more conservative rider when I’m sans-helmet.

    Though I do feel a bit naked when I feel my hair blowing in the breeze…


    I’m going to start wearing my helmet more often on lunchtime rides in part because I miss my rear view mirror!


    CaBi rider almost killed today at 12th & U, no helmet, apparently ran red light. Ouch, very humbling.


    yes, the lack of a helmet was obviously the determining factor in a collision that involved being run over by three axles.

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