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    I might have a new job down at the Herbert Hoover building, across from the Reagan building. Anyone aware of a good bike/shower spot in the vicinity?


    I worked in that building several years ago. With a Department of Commerce ID, I could park my bike at a rack in the courtyard nearest to Pennsylvania Avenue. It is outside, but covered and theoretically within the security perimeter. There are showers in the Department of Commerce gym. There are also other showers somewhere in the building but I am not sure how well they are kept clean or if they are still open with the current renovation of the building.


    Had to doublecheck, you mean Herbert Hoover (not J Edgar Hoover which is the FBI). I think that is the Dept of Commerce as mentioned in previous post. I would be very surprised if they did not have showers there. I work in a Federal building nearby built about the same time that has showers and indoor bike racks. Contractors do not get access to all the facilities for some reason though. While not perfect facilities, it is about as good as I could expect. In my building even if bike commuters are low on the totem pole, it is a high pole to begin with. Probably less than 1% of people that work here bike though.

    All in all a pretty nice ride from Falls Church, about 11 miles one way.

    The EPA is at Federal Triangle Metro and many people park nice bikes in those racks, in contrast to the ones parked inside at my building where people apparently don’t have the ideological mindset of EPA employees. I don’t have to park my bike there but when I do take the Metro I am always surprised at the nice bikes there.


    In terms of cleanliness of facilities: shower shoes! I use a cheap pair of flip flops when I need to shower at work. Ive seen guys get tow nail fungus & it aint pretty.

    You can always find a pair of flip flops in the capital area ;)


    EPA has facilities in the area that are normally available on a limited basis for contractors and other people working in the Reagan and I believe the Hoover buildings. When you find out conclusively that you’ve got the job, let me know and I can give you the name and email address of the person to contact to get access. I use the Reagan Building facility, since I work in the building and there is a key-pad locked bike room and a locker room with showers. Lockers are reserved for government employees and contract security guards.

    Good luck with the new job!



    I work in a Federal building across from the EPA. At some point, I think all of us that work in these buildings right next to each other need to compare facilities and get a sense of what works and does not work in our respective buildings to use to lobby our respective building managers. They do listen to us on many things (getting new racks, having clean showers, even with liquid soap) but don’t do much on others (like removing clearly abandoned bikes hogging space in the racks).


    The EPA facility in the Reagan Building is nearly flawless. Someone used to steal my belt once per year. I’ve had a few pairs of shower shoes taken. No-one ever touches the bike though… even if I’ve ridden one of the really expensive ones.


    Why on earth would someone steal shower shoes?


    @mstone 40136 wrote:

    Why on earth would someone steal shower shoes?

    Chewy and full of protein… duh…

    I worked in the Hoover building (wow, a long time ago now)- at least at the time, there were a bunch of (well) hidden showers besides the gym. On the plus side, no one knows about them so they are secure and there’s never a line. On the minus side no-one knows about them so they don’t get cleaned… Reagan is totally the way to go if you can get access. As said above the bike racks are in the courtyards and next to VIP/Secret Service parking- it would be hard for your ride to be safer outside.

    Like everything in that crazy building expect to go up 2 floors and down 3 to get anywhere and if you run into the shark tank, you’ve gone to far north and east.


    Thanks for the tips, I’m taking the job and this thread is just the icing on the cake! I was starting to worry that I would have to get a gym membership or something along those lines. Although, this morning, shower totally unnecessary.


    Reviving a very old thread…. anyone have deets on bike commuter facilities at Dept of Commerce? Is there bike parking under the Reagan Building in that massive garage?

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