Child carrier

Our Community Forums Family Biking Child carrier

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    @ShawnoftheDread 96943 wrote:

    Someone gave you a baby?!

    Someone has got to keep APS overcrowded.


    @americancyclo 96940 wrote:

    Does anyone here have a front mounted child carrier that they no longer use?

    Yep. I have a WeeRide Kangaroo bought new that I used on either my MTB or hybrid – you’re free to borrow it. It does scratch up the top tube but I really liked the front seat option. I ended up taping some old bar tape bits over the top tube and then remounting it.

    Depending on your frame size, you may end up having to pedal knees out which is not ideal (less likely in your case though). The only other issue I had was that I felt the harness straps weren’t particularly secure – it’s fine for kids that are fairly stable themselves, but early on it seemed a little precarious. But it wasn’t ever that bad, especially since your arms are basically around the child the whole time.

    I would still prefer to ride with my daughter in this rather than the trailer but there’s no way she’d fit now.

    This is the model, I think the newer ones are sleeker with better harness


    @dasgeh 96945 wrote:

    Someone has got to keep APS overcrowded.

    That someone ain’t us! FFX all the way! (at least until we move)

    @vvill 96946 wrote:

    Yep. I have a WeeRide Kangaroo bought new that I used on either my MTB or hybrid – you’re free to borrow it.

    Sweet. No rush, though. riding probably won’t happen until fall of 2015 but I’ll happily take you up on your offer to see how it fits on my bike.

    I guess my other option is to get a new fork with a larger steerer tube and have more stack on my bars?

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