Bringing bike into office?

Our Community Forums Commuters Bringing bike into office?

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    I work in the district, and normally park my bike in my building’s parking garage. They are doing construction now, though, and I am less comfortable riding in the garage. So I started bringing my bike into my office. My managers don’t mind, but we are tenants. After about a couple of weeks of no problems, the security guards (employed by building management, not my employer) started hassling me about it, saying i’m not allowed to bring the bike in the elevator bc it’s a safety hazard. Any advice?


    Carry it up the stairs. I had to do that after getting yelled at for using the escalators.

    Then I won the battle for a bike rack in the parking garage. It sits outside now. :)


    Not sure that’s an option really. I work on the 8th floor, and my bike is an old heavy one. And i’m not that strong!


    Ask if there is a freight elevator you can use. I had to work on 12/31 and the parking garage was closed, so the security guard let me take it to my office, but I had to go through the loading dock and up the freight elevator (kinda crazy, since there was no one else around, but oh well).

    Good luck.



    See if you can’t use the same elevator as fedex/ups or other regular delivery service – if they don’t use a freight elevator, you may not need to either. Your employer’s lease agreement may also contain some provision regarding bikes and common areas – and if the lease agrees with security guards, try talking with the building manager to get a reprieve during construction. I take my bike up an elevator everyday – be sure to place your drivetrain next to the wall so nobody’s work clothes get greased. Most people are appreciative once you explain why the bike needs to be on the rightside of the box.


    I’ve dealt with this in both our leased office in Arlington (Lincoln Properties owned) and our owned building in NW.. that has a totally anal facilities manager.

    In both cases was allowed to use the freight elevator.


    @CCrew 2195 wrote:

    I’ve dealt with this in both our leased office in Arlington (Lincoln Properties owned) and our owned building in NW.. that has a totally anal facilities manager.

    In both cases was allowed to use the freight elevator.

    From what I remember, this was quite the story.

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