Blocked bike lane on Clarendon b/t Courthhouse and Rosslyn

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions Blocked bike lane on Clarendon b/t Courthhouse and Rosslyn

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  • #909391

    For the past two months a bus company has been parking and idling one or two buses in the bike lane of Clarendon Blvd eastbound at Queen Street.

    Normally I don’t warn about things like this because they’re usually random and occasional, but this condition is dangerous and looks to be regularly expected. Due to the downhill off of Courthouse my bicycle speed typically exceeds 25 mph. Automobiles northbound on Queen trying to turn right on Clarendon have an obscured line-of-sight as it is, but with the buses parked right before Queen, line-of-sight is entirely blocked. Drivers trying to make the right are force to nose into the bike lane, or worse, make a blind right turn without seeing fast moving bicycles.

    There’s a parking lane there but because the buses are over-sized enough that they end up taking up both the parking and bike lane.

    If you use this route on your morning commute, be careful. Avoid the bike lane and just occupy the center of the right thru lane.

    Tim Kelley

    I know exactly what you mean–that section of road is on my morning commute and I find that I have hit the breaks and find an opening in traffic. Thanks for warning people!

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