Bikeometer Unveiling: You’re invited!

Our Community Forums Events Bikeometer Unveiling: You’re invited!

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  • #915039
    Tim Kelley

    Join Us As We Unveil Arlington County’s New Bikeometer

    The first real time bicycle counter on the East Coast will be unveiled on Tuesday, April 1 at 10am on the Custis Trail at Lee Highway and Lynn Street. Arlington County Board Chair, Jay Fisette, Director of Transportation, Dennis Leach and League of American Bicyclists President, Andy Clarke will all speak. For more information about the Bikeometer click here.



    To bad I have a division meeting at 10 am.


    Is this the obelisk near the lee/Lynn intersection? I’ll be riding by at that time.


    Sorry, I don’t ride on sidewalks.

    Steve O

    @Tim Kelley 80751 wrote:

    The first real time bicycle counter on the East Coast will be unveiled on Tuesday, April 1 at 10am on the Custis Trail at Lee Highway and Lynn Street.

    So in addition to it counting cyclists, can it also count near misses and crashes at the intersection? That would really be useful!


    @Steve O 80765 wrote:

    So in addition to it counting cyclists, can it also count near misses and crashes at the intersection? That would really be useful!

    I was thinking the same thing. Have one on either side of the intersection, to compare pre- and post-doom numbers.

    Morbid? Yes!


    I’ll be there, Tim! Thanks for the heads-up!


    @consularrider 80757 wrote:

    To bad I have a division meeting at 10 am.

    Bring them along! Call it a community engagement activity.

    Rod Smith

    Pretty cool! I go to Rosslyn everyday, sometimes twice but I never pass that spot. It’s well placed though to catch much of the bike traffic going between Custis Trail and DC. A block west might have been better. I guess I’ll have to change my route. :)


    @Tim Kelley 80751 wrote:

    Join Us As We Unveil Arlington County’s New Bikeometer

    The first real time bicycle counter on the East Coast will be unveiled on Tuesday, April 1 at 10am on the Custis Trail at Lee Highway and Lynn Street. Arlington County Board Chair, Jay Fisette, Director of Transportation, Dennis Leach and League of American Bicyclists President, Andy Clarke will all speak. For more information about the Bikeometer click here.


    Attachment is not working- when? (I know where…)


    @dbb 80771 wrote:

    Bring them along! Call it a community engagement activity.

    Maybe I could call it a coffee excusion and invite our deputy director along which would count for our afternoon meeting as well. :D


    @DismalScientist 80760 wrote:

    Sorry, I don’t ride on sidewalks.

    It’s not a sidewalk, it’s a trail that looks suspiciously like a sidewalk, in a place where a sidewalk would be, if it were a sidewalk.


    Um, so I will ask. How much did the bike meter cost?


    @rcannon100 80810 wrote:

    Um, so I will ask. How much did the bike meter cost?

    ’cause I’m sure our friends at Arlnow really want to know so they can trash talk it some more. :(


    @consularrider 80813 wrote:

    ’cause I’m sure our friends at Arlnow really want to know so they can trash talk it some more. :(

    Right now they are tossing about “Another million dollar buss stop” so maybe admitting that it cost something like $20K (I hope…) wouldn’t be all bad? Nevermind, don’t feed the trolls…

    Does anyone want to admit to being the noble defender of cycling, “Cyclist” on ArlNow? I’m impressed with your fortitude, I gave up long ago (also a tip of the helmet to “Crikey” on WaPo).

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