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  • #916858

    Holy cow, there were a lot of cyclists out. I saw one woman cross against a light and almost get plugged by a truck, and one guy ejected his U-lock right in front of me almost taking me down, but all in all, a good day. It’s fantastic seeing all these old creaky rusted bikes seeing the sunshine again.


    Yes, indeed! I saw a lot of people out today. I took my kiddos with me to the Ballston stop in Arlington. They loved the woman on her unicycle fitted with a toy horse, fully dressed in chariot gear, and really loved the lollipops and prizes. It was a super stop with a DJ, great energy, and great swag. Thanks BikeArlington!!


    The trails were really crowded. (I got stuck behind a train on the custis and just coasted for a mile.) Oddly, my building had far fewer bikes than usual in the bike room. Maybe everyone was still stuck on the custis, or maybe the crowds scared them away.

    Steve O

    I worked the Rosslyn pit stop handing out t-shirts until I had to leave for my 8:30 meeting. Saw lots and lots of you guys.

    Post meeting about 10:15 I was riding the Custis back into Rosslyn and encountered a lady with a bright orange t-shirt hanging from her bag. So I chatted her up; her name is Tina. She got the t-shirt in Vienna, which she said was starting to close down by the time she got there. She wished she had started earlier. So I asked where she started, and she answered…wait for it….Paeonian Springs. “Where is that?” I asked. West of Leesburg, evidently.

    She was traveling in to the Air & Space Museum where she works. She told me this was on her bucket list, but she’s planning to do it again next year with an earlier start.

    We navigated the I of Doom, and I gave her directions for the rest of her trip (apparently she hadn’t thought about mapping it out in advance).

    Major kudos to Tina. Google maps says 43.6 miles. I wonder what the longest commute today was?


    Shirlington Rocked!


    Tim Kelley

    @rcannon100 115997 wrote:

    Shirlington Rocked!

    Video isn’t working.


    @Steve O 115996 wrote:

    Major kudos to Tina. Google maps says 43.6 miles. I wonder what the longest commute today was?

    She got me beat, this was my 2013 morning commute before I moved.

    But is she going to ride home too?

    Boomer Cycles

    @arlmom 115914 wrote:

    Yes, indeed! I saw a lot of people out today. I took my kiddos with me to the Ballston stop in Arlington. They loved the woman on her unicycle fitted with a toy horse, fully dressed in chariot gear, and really loved the lollipops and prizes. It was a super stop with a DJ, great energy, and great swag. Thanks BikeArlington!!

    I must’ve been attacked by the same warrior princess in chariot gear on a horse at the Freshbikes Arlington BTWD pit stop!:-)


    @Tim Kelley 116002 wrote:

    Video isn’t working.

    Fixed it. I think.

    Boomer Cycles

    I rode in this AM via convoy from Mile 8 on the WOD with @Tania, and then caught up with Matt, Shawn Dread and a whole slew of BAFS2015ers, including @KayakCindy, @Teresa, @Vvilll, @SteveO, among others. Ride.
    I ran into a cyclist at the gym in my office building who rode in from Sterling, 30 miles, one way, and is planning to ride back this afternoon; he is now my newest hero.

    Freshbikes Arlington pit stop w/ @Teresa & @Tania:

    Falls Church pit stop w/ @vvilll:

    Rosslyn Pit stop w/ everyone from NOVA:


    @mstone 115923 wrote:

    Oddly, my building had far fewer bikes than usual in the bike room. Maybe everyone was still stuck on the custis

    That must have been it–by the time I left this afternoon, there were more bikes that I’ve ever seen in the bike room. 😮


    @Boomer2U 116006 wrote:

    I must’ve been attacked by the same warrior princess in chariot gear on a horse at the Freshbikes Arlington BTWD pit stop!:-)

    I’m unsure whose outfit is more outlandish, hers or yours.

    Boomer Cycles

    @KWL 116089 wrote:

    I’m unsure whose outfit is more outlandish, hers or yours.

    Perhaps it was mutual attraction?;-)

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