Bike parking for Columbia Pike Blues Fest

Our Community Forums General Discussion Bike parking for Columbia Pike Blues Fest

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    Partner and I will likely ride the tandem to the Blues Festival today. Location is Walter Reed and the Pike. Any suggestions on a good place to lock up the bike within a not-too-long walk? Not expecting a bike corral, just hoping for a rack that is out of the high traffic zone.


    PS I think there used to be something called rackspotter, but it doesn’t seem to be alive any more…? Is the data now embedded in some other app?


    @Overtone 225930 wrote:

    PS I think there used to be something called rackspotter, but it doesn’t seem to be alive any more…? Is the data now embedded in some other app?

    Until Rackspotter comes back up (it’s down for upgrades) a somewhat-recent cut of the Rackspotter data is embedded in

    It will appear once you’ve zoomed in somewhat close to an area.


    Yeah, looks like Rackstopper is currently being worked on. I have used Bicycle Parking app on my phone, and it worked pretty well. Here is the link to their site.[URL=”http://”]http://[/URL] . The webpage is just information. To see the racks on the map, you have to download the app on your phone.

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