Bike Lane Wars!

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  • #914532
    Jerry King

    We certainly could use your help to get bike lanes installed on King Street.

    The City of Alexandria is proposing concepts for King Street to address resident concerns for pedestrian and bicycle safety, consistent with the City’s strategic goals for multi-modal transportation and the City’s Complete Street policy. A full description of the proposed concepts and impacts is located here:
    The concepts address the need for traffic calming, and to varying degrees, provide for pedestrian-motor vehicle separation and bike lanes for bicycle safety.
    This is a multi-faceted issue with impacts, both to the residents in the immediate vicinity, and to Alexandrians at large who will benefit from the opportunity to have safer transportation options and better access to transit and schools in this corridor.
    1. Appreciate it if you would support the City’s proposed changes by taking the following two steps:
    a. Provide written inputs to the Traffic and Parking Board (TPB) via Bob Garbacz ( , copy to Rich Baier
    b. Attend the TPB Public Hearing at 7:30 PM, Monday, November 25th at City Hall, 301 King Street, Alexandria.

    Jerry King, Chair, Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

    Tim Kelley

    Done. Thanks.

    I’d urge other on the board to provide feedback as well.


    According to a WashCycle article on the King Street bike lanes, comments “have been heavily against the bike lanes.”

    The Coalition for Smarter Growth has created a link to allow you to easily send feedback to the Alexandria City Council and Board supporting the bike lanes on King Street.

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