Bike books for kids

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    I picked up this book as a gift and was wondering if anyone had other book recommendations.


    I bought “Mike and the Bike” for a young relative a couple years ago. I’m not sure if she liked it, but the book and CD have received decent reviews on Amazon. However, the foreward was written by Lance Armstrong (which is a problem now).

    The CD is narrated by Phil Liggett while the songs are sung by a child. (I haven’t heard the CD.)

    I think the book/CD is aimed at younger kids, in the 3-5 year range.

    EDIT: I actually bought the sequel, “Mike and the Bike Meet Lucille the Wheel”. The Amazon listing may only be a small version of the book, and without the CD. If you purchase, be sure you are getting the large version with the CD. If not, try other websites, such as REI.


    We checked this one out of the Alexandria Public Library for our now one year old some time ago. He really liked the illustrations and it was one of his favorite books out of that batch (and mine, too, obviously)


    This one is not bad: — but more informational than story (and not especially current). My 3-year old likes it, but he is very into bike repair and likes identifying the chainrings, brake levers, etc. in the illustrations.


    @hozn 61323 wrote:

    This one is not bad: — but more informational than story (and not especially current). My 3-year old likes it, but he is very into bike repair and likes identifying the chainrings, brake levers, etc. in the illustrations.

    Then he needs this or this.


    Great thread. Though I’m not sure I want to give my kid a book that encourages her to take her bike on long excursions instead of going to school.

    A story to make a parent proud: we have been away on vacation in the Mountains of NC. No biking-with-kids options with us, and nothing to do outside of the house within walking distance, so toddler and baby have been stuck in the car a lot. We were also all sharing a room. After a few days, we awoke to toddler having a nightmare. While we can’t be sure exactly what was happening, she was crying and saying “Daddy, can you please get the bakfiets?” We’re pretty sure a life without bikes is her nightmare.


    @dasgeh 61381 wrote:

    Great thread. Though I’m not sure I want to give my kid a book that encourages her to take her bike on long excursions instead of going to school.

    But to paraphrase the Boss: We learned more from a [30 mile bike ride] baby than we ever learned in school.

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