BAFS2024 Team #3

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  • #1128740

    Hi Teeeeam!


    Welcome to the only thing I like about winter!    Please reply to this thread if you’re on team THREE!

    Ima be sending out a team email this pm with more instructions — but for now please let’s all follow each other on Strava.  I did last night, except there’s one of you I couldn’t find —  which might mean we’re not all on the leaderboard?  (I’m not sure what it means tbh, but I’ll find out.  Or you can tell me if you know :-D)

    I know a lot of you from previous years, & was psyched to meet Arsalan at the HH last night!  Hoping to meet the rest of you soooon — teams are local this year so that should help enable some team rides!


    For now please


    1) reply to this thread,

    2)make sure you’re on the leaderboard,

    3) follow each other & me on Strava,

    4) propose any team name ideas you think might be fun (we’ll vote on them) and

    5) ride!  Daily or as close to daily riding optimizes points, and 10miles is the sweet spot; it’s 1 point per mile, except that the first 10 miles are heavily frontloaded, so they’re 65 points.


    Mostly it’s supposed to be fun, and it’s very silly, so enjoy yourselves.  The pointless prizes help, though they can be overwhelming too, especially with the forum glitches during the upgrade. (Go for the fun and stop when they become overwhelming, is my thinking )


    (Dude, who would think to upgrade the forum to no emojis?  That’s gonna cramp my style….)


    😀 Nadine


    One of the forum posts shows I’m with you on Team 3, consularrider/Chris Randall.  Follow requested


    I’m on Team 3, but don’t see the Strava group, don’t see us on the Team Leaderboard, and I’ve disappeared from the individual leaderboard. I suspect those things might be related.

    Nadine, do you need to push a button or something?



    Yeah probably Henry.  (Bummed I can’t reply to your comment with a quote now)  It’s probably waiting for me to set upthe strava club & for us all to join it.  First chance I’ve had today, but it is a bit disconcerting to see us off the individual leaderboard.  I’m sure it’s just where the computer stuff is at though, nothing about our team.  I’ll go do that now.


    Ok I set up the team and sent invites to everyone on the team except Justin Watzman, who strava can’t seem to find.  Maybe I can find him via email.  Justin, if you’re reading this please reply, and come find all of us on strava & follow us.


    Look for an email.  I wanna do intros.  I coulda done them here if more of the team had replied — but email might work better, especially right now while the forum is so glitchy.  (I hafta reset my password to sign on now, every single time, since the “upgrade.”)


    Ok, Accepted. We will see if we show up later.


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