BAC Priorities 2018-2020

Our Community Forums Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee BAC Priorities 2018-2020

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  • #920723

    As we started discussing at the October Arlington BAC meeting, we’re going to focus our work over the next 2 years to focus on 3 or so priorities.

    This thread is for us to discuss what those priorities will be.

    ETA: To give folks a bit more of an idea of how this factors into the BAC work, the idea is that we can set some priorities so we’re not always reacting to things happening to us. We meet for 2 hours, once a month, and one way we could do this is have the first hour be for the typical stuff: commenting on plans and projects, meeting with ACPD, meeting with other County staff. Then we’d use the 2nd hour to focus on one priority.

    Three priorities works well, because we can rotate meetings, so that once a quarter we do, e.g. Parks + priority 1, the next month ACPD + priority 2, the next month DES + priority 3; then we can repeat that for each quarter of the year.

    This isn’t a rigid system and stuff may bleed together. Also, I think working more closely with the PAC has been good, and there may be other groups we should work with. For example, if we make trails a priority, maybe we meet with the PAC and Parks once a quarter to discuss trails – that would be the whole 2 hours, though we’d break it up into discreet topics — signage, wayfinding, trail design standards, where to spend the trail modernization dollars, etc, etc. Maybe once a year the PAC and BAC meet with the Parks Commission.

    Our meetings have been full, so how will we make the time? We could move commenting on individual projects to a subcommittee, and have that subcommittee report out on the big issues identified, and trends they’re seeing (e.g. poles for buttons are being placed in the path bikes take, because of the curve of the path — let’s make sure the design standards take into account curves and how people actually ride).

    Happy to answer questions on any of this, too.


    We brainstormed during the October BAC meeting, and came up with this list:

    A. Bring All Types of Cyclists Together (commuters, family, mountain, racers, etc.)
    B. Columbia Pike/Lee Highway Focus (let’s focus on arterials!)
    C. Driver Education (focus on educating drivers)
    D. Neighbor Network (three quarterly meetings: one on external neighbors, one on Arlington neighborhoods, one on Arlington/Federal agencies)
    E. Network Connectivity: Five Small Spots that Fixing Would Make a Huge Difference (five spots TBD)
    F. Network Connectivity: Focus on East-West Connection (Fort Myer, Cemetery, Columbia Pike, Army/Navy)
    G. Network Connectivity: Focus on Protected Bike Lane Connections (key connections to transform Arlington)
    H. No Right on Red! (intersection focus)
    I. Micromobility: Scooters/Scootees/Other electric vehicles
    H. Safe Accommodation
    J. School Education & Kids to School
    K. Trails: Behavior & Design
    L. Underserved Areas Need Our Attention!
    M. Vision Zero

    Elizabeth has us set up with a survey to collect opinions about how people would rank these.

    We also encourage folks to discuss here.


    I took the survey. Improved ACPD education should be added.


    PS. This will be voted on at the December meeting. Keep discussing. Tell other folks. The survey won’t make the decision for us, but it’ll be good information.

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