Arlington PAL Amabassador Birthday Block Party: Thursday 02/26/2015 — 4:30-6:30pm.

Our Community Forums Events Arlington PAL Amabassador Birthday Block Party: Thursday 02/26/2015 — 4:30-6:30pm.

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    Last week the PAL ambassadors prepared for our first outreach event! This week we HAVE our first outreach event! We’re having a block party at the intersection of Arlington Blvd and North Pershing Drive from 4:30-6:30pm this Thursday.

    As you know, the PAL program works to improve street safety by promoting Predictable, Alert and Lawful behavior by everyone traveling through Arlington County. The PAL ambassador program does outreach events to give life to this messaging.

    Please check out the invitation and details HERE. We’d love to have you join!

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

    WABA’s working with BikeArlington to recruit a community of volunteers to inspire more Predictable, Alert, and Lawful road culture in Arlington County. Bike billboards, pizza nights, and block parties — all on your commute home. Join us at our next event!


    Can we light a bonfire in the middle of the street to keep warm?


    There are two intersections of 50 and N Pershing, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why you would want to do an event over near my kids’ preschool… You may want to be more clear that you mean the intersection IN LYON PARK (or near BonChon Chicken or whatever).


    @dasgeh 109309 wrote:

    There are two intersections of 50 and N Pershing, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why you would want to do an event over near my kids’ preschool… You may want to be more clear that you mean the intersection IN LYON PARK (or near BonChon Chicken or whatever).

    Near BonChon Chicken, Across from Fort Myer. … Located at the top of the new section of the Arlington Blvd Trail. According to the Google, that is in Lyon Park.

    Does that help? Thanks for helping clarify that.



    Yeah, I figured it out, but you may want to be more clear on the other promotion sites (eg Facebook)


    Also, if you just type “50 and n pershing dr” into Google maps, you get the WRONG one. The zip for the right one is 22201 – that would clear it up for g-maps.


    @dasgeh 109380 wrote:

    Yeah, I figured it out, but you may want to be more clear on the other promotion sites (eg Facebook)

    Thanks again, dasgeh! I’ll make sure it is clear elsewhere. I appreciate your help with this.

    @UnknownCyclist 109296 wrote:

    Can we light a bonfire in the middle of the street to keep warm?

    Sometimes I wish we could build a fire for winter outreach events! Warming our hands over an old oil drum with a fire lite in it would be awesome!

    Honestly, with a little preparation and a bit of caution, winter events can be very effective and quite fun! In the preparation department, I always stick an extra layer or two in my bag to add on over what I’m wearing when I get to an event. I also make sure I have a warm hat and gloves in the bag to change into. I sometimes bring a thermos of coffee or tea with me. Knowing where there are a few nearby places that you can dip into and grab something warm to drink while you warm up is also a good thing. I think most sites where we work have that as an option. This week’s event definitely does.

    As far as caution goes, I tend to ride a little differently too. When going to an event, I ride a little slower so I don’t get sweaty. That way I arrive warm and dry. It is also important to know when to say when! This is supposed to be fun. There is a point at which it gets cold enough that it isn’t fun or wise to stay out. Call it a day and head for home before you get to that point.

    We’re happy to have people volunteer with us for a few minutes or a few hours. Adding your voice for a little while on your way home is a GREAT way to contribute. When the weather gets warmer, the outreach events will be easier.

    Thanks for contributing!



    I’m hoping to stop by. It would be awesome if someone could update either here or on the Facebook page whether the new Rte 50 trail is passable tomorrow.


    Did someone say BonChon?

    I’m a maybe for a 20 min stop by – depends mostly on the snow/work/office situation tomorrow.


    @dasgeh 109408 wrote:

    I’m hoping to stop by. It would be awesome if someone could update either here or on the Facebook page whether the new Rte 50 trail is passable tomorrow.

    It is not. South side is snow/ice packed. As of 11am, the north side still had icy patches.

    I’ll post up a how-to-get there in a little while.


    Plus another couple inches of snow coming before the event tomorrow. :D


    @consularrider 109453 wrote:

    Plus another couple inches of snow coming before the event tomorrow. :D

    We’ll see how that turns out. :D


    For those coming from Rosslyn to the Block Party, here is the route. Ride With GPS Link

    If you have studded tires on, you can just come up the Arlington Blvd Trail from the Iwo Jima Memorial.

    Looking forward to seeing y’all tomorrow.



    @Dirt 109480 wrote:

    For those coming from Rosslyn to the Block Party, here is the route. Ride With GPS Link

    Is something wrong with Barton? (Ice covered or something?) Yes, there’s a hill, but it looks worse than it is.


    @dasgeh 109513 wrote:

    Is something wrong with Barton? (Ice covered or something?) Yes, there’s a hill, but it looks worse than it is.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Barton. I don’t normally use it, so I didn’t put that on my map. If you like Barton, go for it!

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