Sorry to hear you’re having issues with your Edge Explore.
If it’s the first generation model it is no longer supported by Garmin so any firmware updates would be dated. That said: make sure the computer’s firmware is as up-to-date as can be.
The next thing you’ll want to do is delete older activities from the computer. There’s a finite amount of storage space on older Garmins and when they get close to full they will often freeze, have read/write errors to memory, etc. So it’s good to regularly clear out older rides and activities to keep storage space open for the computer to use.
Otherwise the best bet may be to restore the unit to factory settings and carry on from there.
For what it’s worth: the newer generation Garmins have more storage space and faster chips. And while some folks tout Wahoo and Hammerhead as superior options, they’re not without their faults, either. It’s tech: it has issues.